Buffer Parameters (to Be Configured for Each Used Buffer)

Name Value




Value, type

Identifier 0..2047 (CAN2A) 0..2047 (CAN2A) WORD (CAN2A) 0
0..536870911 (CAN2B) 0..536870911 (CAN2B) DWORD (CAN2B)
Receive buffer size (size in numbers of telegrams) 1..32 1..32 BYTE 1
Behaviour on receive buffer overflow *) Overwrite 0 BYTE 0
Discard 1
Overwrite and send diagnostics (PROFINET® alarm) 3
Discard and send diagnostics (PROFINET® alarm) 4

*) The following table describes the values in detail:

Setting Description
Overwrite The oldest buffer entry which is stored in the buffer is overwritten with the new incoming telegram.
Discard The new incoming telegram is discarded.
Overwrite and send diagnostics (PROFINETâ alarm) The oldest buffer entry which is stored in the buffer is overwritten with the new incoming telegram. Additionally, a PROFINETâ alarm (diagnostic) will be sent to inform the user of the overflow occurrence.
Discard and send diagnostics (PROFINETâ alarm) The new incoming telegram is discarded. Additionally a PROFINETâ alarm (diagnostic) will be sent to inform the user of the overflow occurrence.


Up to 64 buffers are allowed to be configured for each CAN2A and CAN2B type, each buffer containing the parameters described above.