Setting COMx - CS31

If the protocol ‘CS31-Bus’ is selected for the interface COM1, the interface is definitely set as CS31 bus master. COM2 cannot be used as CS31 bus interface.

Double-click COMx_CS31 to configure the parameters.

The following parameters are available:




Value Meaning
Run on config fault No No The PLC program is executed even if there are faults in configuration.
Yes The PLC program is not executed if there are faults in configuration.
Operating mode (read only) Master Master Operating mode of the CS31 device. This parameter is read-only (not editable).
Max wait run 0   Max. wait time for valid inputs.
Min update time 10   Cycle time for data exchange to IEC program.

For further information on configuring CS31 Modules and I/O channels, see AC500 CS31 Bus AC500 CS31 Bus.