Uninstalling Automation Builder¶
Installation manager offers a comfortable way to uninstall Automation Builder software. This will uninstall all related packages of Automation Builder Platform as well, such as Mint Plugin, Automation Builder Extensions, Drive Manager etc.
In the installation manager, click Uninstall all.
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A warning message is displayed to uninstall Automation Builder software.
Click Yes to continue.
If Automation Builder instances are running, a warning message is displayed.
Close running instances of Automation Builder and click Retry to continue uninstallation.
With Abort uninstallation of the current package is stopped. Uninstallation is continued with the next package. With Ignore, uninstallation is forced. As this can lead to an erroneous uninstallation, we recommend you, not to use this option.
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If installation manager was launched with
, the following message is displayed as Automation Builder is still running:With Yes Automation Builder software is closed to continue uninstallation procedure.
With No uninstallation of the current package is stopped. Uninstallation is continued with the next package.
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For each of the packages being uninstalled, system may prompt to continue uninstallation.
Successfully uninstalled components are indicated with
Errors during uninstallation are indicated with
. Errors during uninstallation of any package component aborts the uninstallation. In this case click Show Log and save the log data. Send the log file to ABB support team.
Click Finish to end the wizard.