Sending/Receiving Data with SysLibCom Protocol¶
The following example shows how data is sent/received with the protocol “SysLibCom”.
-> Telegrams of 32 bytes length are to be received and sent.
Declaration part of the program PROGRAM proSysLibCom_Test:
VAR strComSettings : COMSETTINGS; (* Structure of COM settings *) dwHandle : DWORD; byStep : BYTE; (* Step chain *) dwRead : DWORD; (* Number of characters received *) dwWritten : DWORD; (* Number of characters sent *) bEnSend : BOOL; (* Enable sending *) byCom : BYTE := COM2; (* COM number *) dwBaudrate : DWORD := 19200; (* Baudrate *) wLenRec : WORD := 32; (* Number of characters to be received *) wLenTele : WORD := 32; (* Telegram length, here 32 characters for example *) wLenSend : WORD := 32; (* Number of characters to be sent, for example 32 characters *) dwTimeoutSend : DWORD := 0; (* Timeout in [ms] for sending *) dwTimeoutRec : DWORD := 0; (* Timeout in [ms] for receiving *) abyRecBuffer : ARRAY[0..271] OF BYTE; (* Receive buffer, 272 bytes min.! *) abyTeleBuffer : ARRAY[0..543] OF BYTE; (* Telegram buffer, 2 x receive buffer min. *) aby SendBuffer : ARRAY[0..271] OF BYTE; (* Send buffer, telegram length max.! *) strDataRec : StrucReceiveData; (* Structure of receive telegram *) strDataSend : StrucSendData (* Structure of send telegram *) END_VAR
Code part of the program
-> Processing of a step chain containing the following steps:
CASE byStep OF 0: (* Step 0: Open the interface COMx -> SysComOpen -> get handle *) strComSettings.Port := byCom; (* COM_Number *) dwHandle := SysComOpen(strComSettings.Port); (* Open COM interface -> get handle *) byStep := SEL( dwHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE, 250, 1); (* handle ok -> Step 1, otherwise error step 250 *) 1: (* Step 1: Transfer of COMx interface parameters *) strComSettings.dwBaudRate := dwBaudrate; (* Set baudrate *) (* Enter at this point the number of stop bits and parity, if necessary *) (* set COM settings -> if OK, run step 2, in case of an error step 250 *) byStep := SEL( SysComSetSettings(dwHandle, ADR(strComSettings)), 250, 2); 2: (* Step 2: Initialization completed successfully -> now receiving and/or sending *) (* Receive data: read all data received since last run, but wLenRec max.! *) dwRead := SysComRead (dwHandle, ADR(abyRead), WORD_TO_DWORD(wLenRec), dwTimeoutRec); (* READ DATA *) IF (dwRead > 0) THEN (* Number of characters received; in bytes *) (* here, ignore for example all characters until valid telegram start detected *) (* Number of receiving cycles for the telegram *) dwNumReadPerTele[byCom] := dwNumReadPerTele[byCom] + 1; (* Copy data to buffer *) SysMemCpy (dwDest := ADR(abySumDataRead[dwSum]DataRead]), dwSrc := ADR(abyRead[0]), dwCount := dwRead ); (* Sum of read data of a telegram *) dwSumDataRead := dwSumDataRead + dwRead; IF dwSumDataRead >= wLenTele THEN (* Telegram complete ? *) dwRecCount := dwRecCount +1; (* Number of telegrams received *) (* Copy received telegram to structure strDataRec *) SysMemCpy( dwDest := ADR(strDataRec, dw Src := ADR(abySumDataRead[0]), dwCount := wLenTele ); dwNumReadPerTele := 0; (* init for following telegram *) dwSumDataRead := 0; (* here the evaluation of data starts !!! *) END_IF; (* Telegram complete *) END_IF; (* Data received *) (* Send data *) (* Enabling the sending of data can be done, for example, cyclical or by program control *) IF bEnSend THEN (* Enable sending *) (* Copy data to be sent to send buffer *) SysMemCpy (dwDest := ADR(abyDataSend[0]), dwSrc := ADR(strDataSend), dwCount := wLenSend); (* Send data *) dwWritten := SysComWrite( dwHandle, ADR(abyDataSend[0]), WORD_TO_DWORD(wLenSend), dwTimeoutSend); SEND DATA !!! *) IF (dwWritten <> wLenSend THEN byStep := 250; (* Error when sending *) ´ END_IF; (* dwWritten *) bEnSend := FALSE; (* Deactivate enable sending *) END_IF; (* bEnSend *) 250: (* Step 250: Error step -> Close COMx and start with step 0 *) bResult := SysComClose(dwHandle); (* Close COM interface *) dwHandle := 0; byStep := 0; END_CASE; (* End of step chain *)