Diagnosis Data

The diagnosis data section contains one diagnostic message with the following structure (according to AC500 diagnosis):

Byte Number Description Possible Values
1 Diagnosis Byte, slot number 31 = CI52x-MODTCP (e. g. error at integrated 8 DI / 8 DO)
1 = 1:sup:st connected S500 I/O Module
10 = 10:sup:th connected S500 I/O Module
2 Diagnosis Byte, module number According to the I/O bus specification passed on by modules to the fieldbus master
3 Diagnosis Byte, channel According to the I/O bus specification passed on by modules to the fieldbus master
4 Diagnosis Byte, error code

According to the I/O bus specification Bit 7 and Bit 6, coded error class

0 = E1

1 = E2

2 = E3

3 = E4

Bit 0 to Bit 5, coded error description

5 Diagnosis Byte, flags

According to the I/O bus specification

Bit 7: 1 = coming error

Bit 6: 1 = leaving error

6 Reserved 0

If a diagnosis message is read out, the next one will be automatically filled in.

If no more diagnosis messages are available the buffer will be reset to zero.

This ensures that each diagnosis message can be delivered to the MODBUS TCP client/slave and no diagnosis will be lost.