PLC Shell Command for Import and Export of Retain/Persistent Variables

The syntax of the command is: sram <direction><area><path>

Supported options:
Direction: i=import, e=export
Area: rp=Retain/Persistent, m=%M area
Path: Any pathname

The file will be stored in the user partition of the PLC. This data can be imported or exported via the FTP-Server or the Files dialog in Automation_Builder.

If no path is indicated, the files are saved under PlcLogic/<ApplicationName>/<ApplicationName>.ret or .prozm.

If a path is indicated, the files are saved under or accessed via <path>/<ApplicationName>.ret or .prozm.

A non-existing path is created with the exception of the SD card. The path for the SD card must be an existing path. On the SD card a non-existing path leads to an error message.

Data area File extension Path
Retain/Persistent .ret



%M (memory area) .prozm




Application Command File
myApp sram e rp PlcLogic/myApp/myApp.ret
sram e ep data data/myApp.ret
Application sram i m PlcLogic/Application/Application.prozm
sram i m data data/Application.prozm

If the path “data” does not exist, tha path is created. The path for the SD card must be an existing path. The path “sdcard/data” leads to an error message if the path “data” does not exists on the SD card.

Only if the application uses Retain or Retain/Persistent variables the command generates an output file.



It is recommended to execute the PLC shell command only while PLC is in state STOP, or it is ensured that there is no write access to the %M or the Retain/Persistent area.