GOOSE Subscriber

In this tab of the IEC 61850 editor you make settings for the receiving of GOOSE messages.


‘GOOSE Subscriber’ tab


The order of the attributes of a dataset is important for the receiving and the sending of GOOSE messages. Type and order of the entries from sender and recipient must be identical for GOOSE communication.


To receive a GOOSE message from an IED, sender an recipient must have the identical settings in the following input fields:

  • DataSet structure (with regard to order and data type of the attributes)

Sections of this tab:

54b15c91f156b597c0a8640e00fcb5cf_c365a9f0f695522dc0a8640e01f6782f : List of the GOOSE control blocks (GCB)


  • New: Create a new GOOSE control block
  • Delete: Delete the selected GOOSE control block.
  • Import: Import a GOOSE control block in the SCL format

54b15c91f156b597c0a8640e00fcb5cf_4294dc0bf696fa14c0a8640e01a2969d : General settings:

Setting Description
Name Name of the GOOSE control block., editable
Description Description of the GOOSE control block
GOOSE-ID Unique character string of the GOOSE control block, editable
DataSet Dataset received as a GOOSE message.

Multicast addressing

Multicast addressing is used to send GOOSE messages. Addressing allows a entire group of devices to exchange data with each other.

Requirement: unique address allocation of the different device groups

Valid range of values: 01-0C-CD-01-00-00….01-0C-CD-01-01-FF



Number for the system-wide unique identification of a GOOSE control block. To exchange GOOSE telegrams, this number must be identical for sender and recipient.

Valid range of values: 0 … 4095

Source Address (MAC) Browse… button: looks for an Ethernet Port in the network. Requirement: an existing network path to the PLC (see : Communication_Settings

54b15c91f156b597c0a8640e00fcb5cf_f7411f87f69cefcbc0a8640e002e0094 : List to assign GOOSE messages to global variables.

All attributes within the selected dataset are listed in this list. You can assign incoming GOOSE messages to global CODESYS variables. For this, select the desired attribute in the list and edit the name of a global variable in the Varname column. If you edit a new variable name a global variable will be created, if you activate the Use default name checkbox, a variable name is generated automatically. This variable will be written by incoming GOOSE messages.

The variables will be stored IEC61850_Generated_GVL (of the IEC61850 Generated POUs folder) after Generate code of the IEC 61850 Server.


Example for the variable list

  1. Activate the New button

  2. Select the desired dataset from the DataSet selection list