IEC 61850 Functionalities

Models Conformance

Functionality Support Comment
Logical device yes  
Logical node yes  
Data yes  
DataSet yes  
Substitution yes  
Setting group control no  
Buffered report control yes  
Sequence number yes  
Report time stamp yes  
Reason for inclusion yes  
DataSet name yes  
Data reference yes  
Buffer overflow yes  
Entry-ID yes  
Buffer Time yes  
Integrity Period yes  
General Interrogation yes  
Config Revision yes  
Unbuffered report control yes  
Sequence number yes  
Report time stamp yes  
Reason for inclusion yes  
DataSet name yes  
Date reference yes  
Buffer Time yes  
Integrity Period yes  
General Interrogation yes  
Config Revision yes  
Logging no  
Log Control no  
Log no  
Control yes Only Operate
GOOSE yes  
GSSE no  
Multicast SVC no  
Unicast SVC no  
Time yes  
File Transfer no  
Maximum number of simultaneously client connections 5 Parameter in the configurator. 1…5
Maximum MMS PDU size 45 000  
Time synchronisation yes SNTP
SCL File support yes Ex-/Import in CODESYSIEC 61850 Server TOOL

Service Conformance

Sevices Support Comment
ServerDirectory yes  
Application association
Sevices Support Comment
Associate yes  
Abort yes  
Release yes  
Logical Device
Sevices Support Comment
LogicalDeviceDirectory yes  
Logical Node
Sevices Support Comment
LogicalNodeDirectory yes  
GetAllDataValues yes  
Sevices Support Comment
GetDataValues yes  
SetDataValues yes  
GetDataDirectory yes  
GetDataDefinition yes  
Sevices Support Comment
GetDataSetValues yes  
SetDataSetValues yes  
CreateDataSet no  
DeleteDataSet no  
GetDataSetDirectory yes  
Sevices Support Comment
SetDataValues yes  
Sevices Support Comment
Buffered report control block (BRCB)
Report yes  
data-change (dchg) yes  
qchg-change (qchg) yes  
data-update (dupd) yes  
GetBRCBValues yes  
SetBRCBValues yes  
Unbuffered report control block (URCB)    
Report yes  
data-change (dchg) yes  
qchg-change (qchg) yes  
data-update (dupd) yes  
GetURCBValues yes  
SetURCBValues yes  
Generic substation event model (GSE)
Sevices Support Comment
SendGOOSEMessage yes  
GetReference no  
GetGOOSEElementNumber no  
GetGoCBValues yes  
SetGoCBValues yes  
SendGSSEMessage no  
GetReference no  
GetGSSEElementNumber no  
GetGsCBValues no  
SetGsCBValues no  
Sevices Support Comment
Select no  
SelectWithValue no  
Cancel no  
Operate yes  
Command-Termination no  
TimeActivated-Operate no  
Sevices Support Comment
Time resolution of internal clock 7 nearest power of 10 ms
Time accuracy of internal clock   TL (ms) (low accuracy) T3 < 7 (only Ed2)
    T0 (ms) (<= 10 ms) 7 <= T3 < 10
    T1 (µs) (<= 1ms) 10 <= T3 < 13
    T2 (µs) (<= 100 µs) 13 <= T3 < 15
    T3 (µs) (<= 25 µs) 15 <= T3 < 18
    T4 (µs) (<= 25 µs) 15 <= T3 < 18
    T5 (µs) (<= 1 µs) T3 >= 20
Supported TimeStamp resolution 7 nearest power of 10 ms