PROFINET IO-Device - General

Object: PROFINET IO device

In this dialog box, you configure a communication link (PROFINET IO: application relation) to a PROFINET IO field device.

For all settings in the present dialog box, the device description determines if the values here are editable and the values that are predefined or possible.

Station name The station name of the device. It is used for unique identification of the device in the network.
Station status 32-bit error code compliant with the PROFINET IO specification. In case of error, the status is provided here, for example, when establishing a connection fails or a link is interrupted. For some errors, an additional description is provided.
:guilabel:`IP Parameters`\
IP address The IP settings of the device; set when establishing a connection to the controller.
Subnet mask
Default gateway
Send Clock (ms) Send clock time (in milliseconds).
Reduction Ratio

Scaling factor

The transmission interval results from the Send Clock multiplied by the Reduction Ratio. Therefore, a Send Clock of 1ms and a Reduction Ratio of 4 means that I/O data is sent every 4ms.


With a Reduction Ratio of n, the transmission interval is subdivided into phases 1 to n (where transmission is in one phase only). You can determine the phase for transmission for the purpose of load distribution.

If Send Clock = 1 and Reduction Ratio = 4 (as in the example above), then you could configure phases 1 - 4. For four slaves with this send clock and reduction ratio settings, you could assign one of the four phases to each of the four slaves. In this way, only one data package is sent in each of the four phases of the clock time and the load is distributed equally.

Watchdog (ms)

Monitoring time. Possible values: 3 ms to 1920 ms. (in steps, depends on Send Clock * Reduction Ratio)

A connection is canceled when the controller or the PROFINET IO device does not receive I/O data from the communication peer within this time period. The device enters error mode and switches the outputs to default values.


VLAN identifier: Number between 0 and 4095 for VLAN type 802.1Q.

Please note: For newer devices compliant with PROFINET IOspecification V2.3, only “0” is still permitted.

RT Class if available, you can select the required RT class from the list (real-time communication).
:guilabel:`User Parameters`\
Set all default values CODESYS resets all settings to default values (see default value column) from the GSDML file.
Read all values CODESYS reads the current values from the device and updates them in the editor.
Write all values CODESYS writes the current values from the editor to the I/O device. Not all I/O devices support parameter updates in run mode. If not, then an error message is displayed.