PROFINET IO-Slave Device Ethernet - Configuration

Configuration of Linux

The following configuration steps are necessary in Linux for a standard-compliant behavior (example here for Debian/Raspi) :

  • You should select the option Use operating system settings for the Ethernet adapter.

  • In the config file of the CODESYS runtime, you must deactivate the protocol filter and set the IP address:

    • [SysEthernet]





  • You must configure the operating system so that the Ethernet adapter starts without the IP address in “promiscuous mode”. In /etc/network/interfaces:

    • auto eth0

      pre-up ifconfig $IFACE promisc up

      post-down ifconfig $IFACE promisc down

      You may have to deactivate the “Zero Conf” services, such as the avahi daemon: update-rc.d -f avahi-daemon remove

See also

Configuration for Windows, Windows CE, VxWorks

When using Windows, Windows CE, or VxWorks, you should note the following:

  • You must select the option Use operating system settings for the Ethernet adapter.
  • You should not permit the IP address to be set in the *.cfg file.
  • You should select the option Use project parameters in the General tab.

See also