Virtual System TestingΒΆ
Virtual System Testing devices (launch/shutdown) monitor its process state and allows simulation of those devices based on selection.
The Virtual System Testing editor contains Virtual Devices and Simulation sections.
Virtual Devices
Virtual Devices section helps the user to process and monitor virtual devices by:
- Launching virtual device(s)
- Monitoring state of virtual device
- Shutdown virtual device(s)
- Selection of devices for simulation
Launching Virtual Devices
The user can launch all the virtual devices together using Launch All or for individual virtual device using Launch. The state of buttons changes from launch to shutdown when the selected virtual device starts running. Virtual Device State represents the state of virtual device process and independent of simulation state.
Virtual online mode
The process of logging in to virtual PLC is same as real PLC.
After launching the virtual device, login the application in the device tree to enter online mode.
- In the devices tree, right-click on App and select Login to login the application.
The virtual device enters online mode and connected virtually with the PLC device.
Online mode
If there is no program on the controller, the application notifies to download a new program.
Shutdown virtual devices
The user can shutdown all the virtual devices together using Shutdown All or for individual virtual device using Shutdown. The state of buttons changes from shutdown to launch when the selected virtual device stops.