Global variables for the status of high availability and Ethernet data exchange.
Name | Type | Initial | Comment |
xHaModPrimary | BOOL | FALSE | State of the AC500 CPU. TRUE = PM acts as Primary. FALSE = PM acts as Secondary |
xHaModCpuStop | BOOL | FALSE | If TRUE -> Indicates the CPU in STOP Mode |
xHaModDataErr | BOOL | FALSE | If TRUE -> HA data sync is in error state. |
wHaModDataErNo | WORD | 0 | HA data sync error code. |
dwHaModTimersBaseTime | DWORD | 0 | HA base time value for the HA timers |
xHaModErr | BOOL | FALSE | If TRUE -> HA error state. |
dwHaModOwnIP | DWORD | 0 | Own IP address configured for sync link connection. |
dwHaModOtherIP | DWORD | 0 | Other PMs IP address configured for sync link connection. |
dwHaModServerAlive | DWORD | 0 | Life counter incremented by OPC server. |
wHaModEthLife | WORD | 0 | Ethernet Life Count. |
timHaModSyncTimeOut | TIME | T#10MS | LifeCom1 UDP synchronization time out. May be changed by the user based on Cycle Time of the HA Task. |