Two same type AC500 PLCs are required as central hardware components. Each PLC is equipped with at least two ETHERNET ports in CPU or in a communication module. The two PLCs, called PLC A and PLC B, are linked by ETHERNET to exchange and synchronize information (Sync). Connections to the AC500 peripheral field devices (I/O) are performed via ETHERNET as well.
Peripheral devices usable are CI521-MODTCP or CI522-MODTCP which communicate via the Modbus TCP protocol with the PLCs. Based on the life systems status exchanged between PLC A and PLC B over the Sync, in the event of a fault in the system the primary PLC may switch automatically to the secondary in a fast, bumpless way: Allowing the process control and status data exchange to continue unnoticed by the process. Faults will result in error messages so that repair can be initialized.
HA-Modbus TCP library supports currently up to 100 CI52x I/O clusters, depending on CPU type. Each CI52x cluster can support up to maximum of 10 S500-I/O modules on it.
- SCADA/ PC connection is done using ETH ports of both PLCs and one or several ETHERNET switches depending on the redundancy requirements in the ETHERNET levels.
- HA communication between PLC A and PLC B is done via two physical communications between PLC A and PLC B, using Sync (UDP) and lifecom2 (Modbus TCP or CAN).
- Field devices (CI52x modules) will be connected via ETHERNET switch forming a redundant network (if requested). For details on network configuration see HA-Modbus TCP - System Technology.
HA hardware configuration based on V3 PLC. The Sync connection is via SCADA Network, lifecom2 is via field network (can be the other way round as well).
Support of I/O modules (S500/S500-eCo) depends on the version of the library package. See the version details of the library in the release notes.