ACS / DCS Drives Communication via MODBUS TCP Ext LibraryΒΆ
To establish the communication to an ACS / DCS drive one of the following two libraries can be used: ACSDrivesComModTCP_AC500_V22.lib ACS / DCS Drives Communication via MODBUS TCP Library or ACSDrivesComModTCP_Ext_AC500_V24.lib The ACSDrivesComModTCP_AC500_V22.lib can be used, as long as the CPU does not support more than one internal ETHERNET Interface. And this library must be used, if the Firmwareversion of the CPU is less than V2.4.x.
The ACSDrivesComModTCP_Ext_AC500_V24.lib should be used for new project and if the Firmware Version of the CPU is at least V2.4.x. It must be used, if a CPU with more than one internal ETHERNET Interface is used, e.g. PM595.