Input Description¶
Function Block TANK_SIMU
EN (enable)
Data type: BOOL, default value: FALSE
In order to enable the Function Block processing, input EN has to be continuously set to TRUE. The block is not processed if input EN = FALSE. While input is set to TRUE, the inputs are continuously checked for validity and plausibility. If this is not the case, processing is aborted and corresponding error is displayed at output ERR/ERNO.
MODE (mode)
Data type: INT, default value: 1, range: 1 or 2.
The input parameter selects the tank operation mode
1 – Emptying of the tank
2 – Filling of the tank
TANK_HEIGHT (tank height)
Data type: REAL, default value: 0, range: ³ 0, unit: m
The input parameter specifies the tank height.
TANK_DEPTH (tank depth)
Data type: REAL, default value: 0, range: ³ 0, unit: m
The input parameter specifies the tank depth.
TANK_WIDTH (tank width)
Data type: REAL, default value: 0, range: ³ 0, unit: m
The input parameter specifies the tank width.
SET_LEVEL (set level)
Data type: , BOOL, default value: FALSE
The user can trigger the input and set the tank initial value for simulation TRUE set the initial tank level as declared in the input INITIAL_LEVEL.
FALSE starts the simulation considering zero level in the tank.
INITIAL_LEVEL (initial level)
Data type: REAL, default value: 1, range: > 0, unit: m
The input parameter specifies the initial tank level to start the simulation. This input value will be considered for the tank simulation only if input SET_LEVEL is made TRUE.
TANK_OUTLET_DIAMETER (tank outlet diameter)
Data type: REAL, default value: 1, range: > 0, unit: m
The input parameter specifies the diameter of the outlet pipe.
PUMP1_ACT_FLOW (pump 1 actual flow)
Data type: REAL, default value: 0, range: >0, unit: m3/h
Actual flow from the pump 1.
For simulation process, the calculated ACT_FLOW output from the PUMP_FLOW_CALC function block is used.
PUMP2_ACT_FLOW (pump 2 actual flow)
Data type: REAL, default value: 0, range: >0, unit: m3/h
Actual flow from the pump 2.
For simulation process,
- the calculated ACT_FLOW output from the PUMP_FLOW_CALC function block is used if the pump is simulated by the PUMP_DRIVE_SIMU .
- the ACT_FLOW output from the PUMP_DOL_SIMU function block is used if the pump is simulated by the PUMP_DOL_SIMU.
PUMP3_ACT_FLOW (pump 3 actual flow)
Data type: REAL, default value: 0, range: >0, unit: m3/h
Actual flow from the pump 3.
For simulation process,
- the calculated ACT_FLOW output from the PUMP_FLOW_CALC function block is used. if the pump is simulated by the PUMP_DRIVE_SIMU.
- the ACT_FLOW output from the PUMP_DOL_SIMU function block is used if the pump is controlled by the PUMP_DOL_SIMU.
START_INOUT_FLOW_SIMULATION (start input flow simulation)
Data type: BOOL, default value: FALSE
TRUE value starts the simulation of filling or emptying of a tank.
FALSE stopps the simulation of filling or emptying of a tank.
Data type: REAL, default value: 0, range: >0, unit: m3/h
Simulates the filling flow of the tank in emptying mode.
Data type: REAL, default value: 0, range: >0, unit: m3/h
Simulates the discharge flow of the tank in filling mode.