Function PrincipleΒΆ
The TECT_LOG_FILE Function Block can log the predefined process status and values together with time stamp in a logging buffer as long as the trigger (LOG_TRIG as well as internal trigger if enabled) has a rising edge.
The predefined process status and values logged are:
Control Word, Status Word, SET_TEMP, ACT_TEMP, Duty Cycle, Control State, Output Status, Latest Error and Errors (Error Word).
The function block contains two major functionalities: logging data into a CSV file and live data logging in the visualization.
For the live data logging visualization, all data will be displayed in the visualization as soon as a trigger signal is active.
For logging data into a CSV file, the data based on the mode and selection set by the user will be logged.
There is a logging buffer for the system with a size of NUM_BUFFER_ENTRY (number of entries) for each zone. As long as the logging entry reaches the end of logging buffer, the entries in the logging buffer will be saved into a log file in .csv format under a user defined folder. The file name is generated automatically from the zone index, its group index and the month and date value while saving. This log file can be opened in e.g. Excel with semicolon as delimiter and can be analyzed. When the TECT_LOG_FILE Function Block is enabled, the user has to configure SELECTION input, where he can select which data is to be logged. There are different modes of logging, which can be selected.