Input DescriptionΒΆ

EN   BOOL \   (enable \ block)

In order to enable the Function Block processing, input EN has to be continuously set to TRUE. The block is not processed if input EN = FALSE.

While input is set to TRUE, the inputs are continuously checked for validity and plausibility. If this is not the case, processing is aborted and corresponding error is displayed at output ERR/ERNO.

START_HYD_SYS   BOOL \   (start \ hydraulic system)

Boolean input that enables SOLAR_HYD_CTRL block.

DIR   BOOL \   (direction)

Boolean input that indicates the direction movement of Solar Tracker.

TRUE: = forward, FALSE: = backward.

POS_MIN   REAL \   (position \ minimum)

Lower limit of the movement range.

Format: Degrees.

POS_MAX   REAL \   (maximum \ position)

Upper limit of the movement range.

Format: Degrees.

SINGULAR_POINT_A   REAL \   (singular_point_A)

Indicates a position of the Solar Tracker (angular position). In that position, the mechanical structure of Solar Tracker shows a singular point concerning to piston A. In that situation, piston A does not generate any torque value. This value is given by tracker manufacturer.

Format: Degrees.

SINGULAR_POINT_B   REAL \   (singular_point_B)

Indicates a position of the Solar Tracker (angular position). In that position, the mechanical structure of Solar Tracker shows a singular point concerning to piston B. In that situation, piston B does not generate any torque value. This value is given by tracker manufacturer.

Format: Degrees.

HYS   REAL \   (hysteresis)

Hysteresis value to avoid unnecessary piston movement. This value is obtained by testing the behavior of the Solar Tracker.

Format: Degrees.

FREE_WIN   REAL \   (free \ window)

Value of semi angle in which hydraulic piston does not generate any torque value. Movement of hydraulic piston is free when is placed inside this window. This value is obtained by testing the behavior of the Solar Tracker.

Format: Degrees.

PRESSURE_BUILD_UP_TIME   TIME \   (pressure \ build up time)

Time to achieve the correct hydraulic pressure in the circuit.

Format: Seconds.

Standard: 500ms.