Input Description¶
EN (enable)
Data type: BOOL
The Function Block is activated by a TRUE at the input EN. A FALSE keeps the Function Block deactivated. Is the Function Block activated, the values being present at the inputs are processed and the output values are delivered.
FILE (file path and name)
Data type: STRING
Input is used to enter the absolute path and name of the file whose information is required.
If the path or the file name given is incorrect or invalid, an error occurs at output ERNO and output ERR = TRUE.
Example of the value of FILE
File is present on the flash: flashdisk\Sample.wav
File is present on the SD card: SDCard\Sample.wav
BUFFER (memory buffer)
Data type: DWORD, Default value = 0
Input BUFFER contains the memory address of the array where all the measured data is stored after reading.
If the measured data is stored in the array ‘abyReadData[1..100]’, then BUFFER=ADR(abyReadData).
SIZE (size of data to be read)
Data type: UDINT, Default value = 1, Range ³ 1 (block align) and £ data size of the file.
Input SIZE gives the number of bytes of the measured data to be read and stored in the buffer. The function block would throw an error, if value of SIZE given as 0. For a given file, the input SIZE value must always be the integral multiple of its block align value.
With data size = 1000 and block align = 4, the valid value of SIZE is in the range from 4 to 1000.
SIZE must not exceed the data size of the WAV file.
Data type: BOOL, default value: FALSE = little endian
Input BIG_ENDIAN decides if the file to be created will be a big endian or a little endian.
BIG_ENDIAN = TRUE = big endian data file.
SAMPLING_FREQ (sampling frequency)
Data type: UDINT, default value: 1, range: > 0.
Input SAMPLING_FREQ enters the sampling frequency of the WAV file to be created. The sampling frequency is the number of samples of data stored in one second.
Data type: UINT
Input BITS_PER_SAMPLE enters the number of bits present in one sample of the data.
- 16, 24, 32 or 64 are the valid values for this input.
Data type: STRING[255]
Input LABEL_INFO enters the label information. The label information normally stores the channel and encoder information.