ACS_COM_PB Communication Block via PROFIBUSΒΆ
Function Block ACS_COM_PB provides a PROFIBUS interface to the cyclic exchanged process data (PZD) of the PROFIBUS. It includes the handshake to READ/WRITE single parameters via PKWs variables for PPO-Types, that include PKWs (only in DPV0).
Function Block Information
Available in PLC runtime system: | V2.4 |
Included in library: | ACSDrivesComPB_AC500_V24.lib |
Function Block Type: | Function Block with historical values. |
Block Description
Function Block ACS_COM_PB provides a PROFIBUS interface to the cyclic exchanged process data (PZD) of the PROFIBUS. It includes the handshake to read / write single parameters via PKWs variables for PPO-Types that include PKWs (only in DPV0).
ACS and DCS drives offer different telegram types in their GSD file for cyclic data transmission. These different telegrams are so called Parameter Process Data Object (PPO). Each PPO contains a Process Data channel (PZD) and sometimes (only for DPV0) also a Parameter channel (PKW). (For more details refer to FPBA-01 or RPBA-01 PROFIBUS DP user manual.)
To READ / WRITE single parameters via PKWs, the separate blocks ACS_PB_READ_PRM_DPV0 and ACS_PB_WRITE_PRM_DPV0 can be used and therefore must be connected to the same DRIVE_DATA variable as the ACS_COM_PB.
For PROFIBUS the following Function Blocks can only be used together with this ACS_COM_PB block:
In the Automation Builder configuration one of the PPO types 1..8 with predefined number of PKW and PZDs has to be selected. ADR_IN and ADR_OUT inputs of the Function Block need to be connected to the address of the first input process variable, and to the address of the first output variable respectively.
For parameter setting inside drive, please refer the respective drives / fieldbus module manual for parameter setting.