
Function Block PUMP_DRIVE_SIMU

General Information
Available as of PLC runtime system V1.3 and above
Included in library PUMP_AC500_V23.lib
Type Function Block without historical values.

This function block simulates a drive. In combination with the function block PUMP_FLOW_CALC a drive controlled pump can be simulated.

The function block generates the feedback signals READY, OPERATING and TRIPPED which have to be connected to the PUMP_INTERFACE function block. The output ACT_SPEED and DRIVE_ACT_PWR can be connected to the PUMP_FLOW_CALC function block. The trip signal is simulated by forcing the input EXT_FAULT


The function block simulates a Drive controlled pump in level control or boost control applications multimode or traditional pumping

The function block simulates the Drive controlled pump only in general behaviour. The behaviour in the real process may be slightly different.