Enumeration Information

Available as of PLC runtime system: V2.4
Included in library: ACSDrivesBase_AC500_V20.lib
Enumeration Value Description
  Hex DEC  
ACS_INT16_PRM 16#03 3 Integer of 16 bits
ACS_INT32_PRM 16#04 4 Integer of 32 bits
ACS_UINT16_PRM 16#06 6 Unsigned 16 bits
ACS_UINT32_PRM 16#07 7 Unsigned 32 bits
ACS_ZERO_VALUE 16#40 64 Zero value returned, Ex.Parameter is not availabe inside the Drive
ACS_BYTE_PRM 16#41 65 Byte
ACS_WORD_PRM 16#42 66 Word
ACS_DWORD_PRM 16#43 67 Double Word
ACS_ERROR_VALUE 16#44 68 Error returned, Ex.Not able to read / write because of communication fault or read or write protected parameter etc


For writing any parameter using PROFIBUS/PROFINET DPV1 Function Blocks, user need to speficy the data type in function block input. For example, if user is writing one parameter to drive which is double word then user need to specify 16#43 in DATA input abyPrmType.