Input DescriptionΒΆ



Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit

The input EN has to be driven in level triggered mode.

In order to enable the execution of the Function Block the input EN has to be set to value TRUE. It keeps on executing until the input EN is set back to value FALSE.

While it is executed its inputs are continuously evaluated.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE - - -

Input CH (channel) is used to specify the channel of the PM5xx to be addressed.

Valid values: 1 and 2.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
DWORD - - -

Input DATA is used to specify the address of the variable the user data are to be copied to. DATA must contain an address of a variable of the type ARRAY or STRUCT.


Specify the size of the variable according to the maximum amount of data expected in order to avoid memory area overlapping.