Input DescriptionΒΆ

EN   BOOL \   (enable \ block)

Calibrating process starts as soon as rising edge is detected at signal EN.

In order to enable the Function Block processing, input EN has to be continuously set to TRUE. The block is not processed if input EN = FALSE.

While input EN is set to TRUE, the inputs are continuously checked for validity and plausibility. If this is not the case, processing is aborted and corresponding error is displayed at output ERR/ERNO.

TYPE_MODE   BYTE \   (type \ mode)

This input indicates which kind of configuration sensors are going to be used to determinate home positions (see pictures above).

1 ->  Z_Sensor is only one pulse signal. First movement: backward.

2 ->  Z_Sensor is only one pulse signal. First movement: forward.

3 ->  Z_Sensor uses cam switch. First movement: forward.

4 ->  Z_Sensor uses cam switch. First movement: backward.

POS_CALC   REAL \   (position \ calculated)

Calculated tracker position using a high accuracy measurement device or a sun position algorithm.

Z_PULSE   BOOL \   (z \ pulse)

Boolean expression that indicates the positioning device has reached its Z position.

TYPE 1 & 2 ->  Z_PULSE = RDY_CALIB (output variable of encoders function).

TYPE 3 & 4 ->  Z_PULSE = (variable that indicates the state of input Z).

LIMIT_SWITCH   BOOL \   (limit \ switch)

Boolean expression that indicates home position has been reached. It is used in Type 1 & Type 2.



START_CALIB   BOOL \   (start \ calibration)

Boolean expression that indicates reading process of the encoder has finished (see SOLAR_Encoder_CD522_RDY_SET SOLAR_ENCODER_CD522).


GO_TO_POS_REF   BOOL \   (go \ to position reference)

Boolean expression that enables position control block.

POS_REF   REAL \   (position \ reference)

Desired position to locate the tracker.

JOG_FWD   BOOL \   (jog \ forward)

In order to manually move the system forward, input JOG_FWD has to be set to TRUE.

JOG_BWD   BOOL \   (jog \ backward)

In order to manually move the system backward, input JOG_BWD has to be set to TRUE.