This structure contains machine set parameters of the zone data. User can define all parameters which are related to the machine, i.e. parameters which are set as per machine properties and will be defined only once at the time of commissioning. These parameters need to be changed only when some machine properties have changed, e.g. when a temperature sensor changed.
No | Name | Data Type | Unit | Initial Value | Description | Access |
1 | wCoolFact | WORD | 1000 | Cool factor in percentage | RW | |
2 | rKP | REAL | 0 | PID parameter for control P in REAL value | RW | |
3 | rTI | REAL | 0 | PID parameter for control I in seconds | RW | |
4 | rTD | REAL | 0 | PID parameter for control D in seconds | RW | |
5 | rT1 | REAL | 0 | PID parameter for control filter for D in seconds | RW | |
6 | rHighHigh_Temp | REAL | 32767 | HighHigh temperature alarm - disables all outputs | RW | |
7 | rLowLow_Temp | REAL | - 32767 | LowLow temperature alarm - disables all outputs | RW | |
8 | uiChange_Time | UINT | 0 | For TC_Fault_2: time in second used to register min_temp_change when duty_cycle ³ tune_output | RW | |
9 | uiMin_Temp_Change | UINT | 0 | For TC_Fault_2: minimum temperature change in change_time when duty_cycle ³ tune_output | RW | |
10 | rTc_Max | REAL | 32767 | For TC_Fault_1: maximum plausible rActual_Temp | RW | |
11 | rTc_Min | REAL | 0 | For TC_Fault_1: minimum plausible rActual_Temp | RW | |
12 | rTemp_Diff_Cool | REAL | 0 | > 0: if temperature is temp_diff_cool higher than setpoint, then cooling is 100% ON until the temp_diff_cool*cool_off_ratio/100 over setpoint is reached. = 0: cooling is controlled as PID |
RW | |
13 | iCool_OFF_Ratio | INT | 50 | In percentage, if temp_diff_cool is active, see temp_diff_cool > 0 | RW | |
14 | iMax_Output | INT | 100 | Maximum allowable duty cycle | RW | |
15 | iTune_Step | INT | 500 | Set point change in RAW value to be reached during auto tune process | RW | |
16 | iTune_Output | INT | 100 | PWM duty cycle used during tuning | RW | |
17 | rTune_MinP | REAL | 0 | Minimum allowable KP value for auto accept | RW | |
18 | rTune_MaxP | REAL | 32000 | Maximum allowable KP value for auto accept | RW | |
19 | rTune_PMult | REAL | 1 | Scaling for KP value | RW | |
20 | rTc_Offset | REAL | 0 | Thermocouple compensation in degree (Celsius or Fahrenheit) - if required | RW | |
21 | rPeriod_Fact | REAL | 10 | Period factor between cooling and heating | RW | |
22 | timMin_Cool_ON | TIME | t# 3 s | Minimum time for which xDO_Cool output to be ON | RW | |
23 | iFF_Time_Ratio | INT | 125 | >=100, Feedforward time ratio in percentage: for internal set point ramp generator. The smaller the value, the steeper the ramp | R/W | |
24 | rRated_Current | REAL | 0 | Rated heater current of the Zone. It is always same for all 3 phases. | R/W |