Output Description¶
Function block HA_CS31_DIAG
Data_Type | Default_Value | Range | Unit |
BOOL | - | TRUE / FALSE | - |
Output DONE indicates the state of execution.
It has the value TRUE when the execution is finished and the outputs are valid. When DONE becomes FALSE other outputs are not valid any more.
Data_Type | Default_Value | Range | Unit |
BOOL | - | TRUE / FALSE | - |
Output ERR indicates whether an error occurred during Function Block execution.
It is only valid when DONE is TRUE. The kind of occurred error is specified by the error identifier at output ERNO.
Data_Type | Default_Value | Range | Unit |
WORD | - | 0 … 65535 | - |
At output ERNO the identifier of an occurred error is provided. It is only valid when DONE and ERR is TRUE. (see, error messages): Error Messages of the Function Block Libraries
NUM_SLV_CFG (number of slaves configured)
Number of CI590-CS31-HA slaves configured in the PLC configuration. The output NUM_SLV_CFG indicates the number of CI590-CS31-HA slaves configured in the PLC configuration.
NUM_SLV_ACT (number of active slaves)
Number of active CI590-CS31-HA slaves in the CS31 Bus. The output NUM_SLV_ACT indicates the number of active CI590-CS31-HA slaves available in the CS31 Bus.
ACTIVE_SLV (active slaves)
Each bit of this DWORD represents an active CI590-CS31-HA device on the CS31 Bus. Each bit of the output ACTIVE_SLV indicates an active CI590-CS31-HA in the CS31 Bus.
ERR_MIX_WIRING (error of mix-wiring)
Error in case of mix-wiring between Bus line A and Bus line B of CS31 slaves. Output ERR_MIX_WIRING indicates a mix-wiring (cross-wiring) between line A and line B of CI590-CS31-HA slaves.