Work with Recipe¶
The Recipe Function Block can READ/WRITE the following parameters into the CSV file: Group_ Name, Zone Index, Set temperature, Standby Set temperature, ControlWord, KS, TU, TG, KP, TI, TD, T1, CoolFact, PeriodFact, HighHigh temperature, High temperature, Low temperature, LowLow temperature, High deviation, Low deviation, Change time, Minimum temperature change, TCmax, TCmin, Temperature difference cool, Cool off ratio, Max output, Tune setpoint, Tune output, Tune min KP, Tune max KP, Tune KP Scaling and Thermocouple offset. Only one TECT_RECIPE is necessary for the whole system.
When the WRITE operation is selected, it will make a single copy of parameters listed above for the whole system into a recipe file in CSV format. The file name can be decided by the input FILE_PATH and SET_NO. If a folder is defined at FILE_PATH, e.g. ‘sdcard/Recipe’, the recipe file will be created as TZD*.csv, * stands for SET_NO. If the user wants to define his own recipe name, then a csv file name with folder needs to be defined at FILE_PATH, e.g. ‘sdcard/Recipe/MyRecipe.csv’.
The first line of the CSV file will have all the variable names and below lines list values of each variable zone by zone (see figure below).
Recipe data in the CSV file after WRITE operation
This Function Block can be used to save the dedicated settings of a Temperature Control system. Furthermore, as its name says, it can also be used to manage multiple sets of control settings using multiple recipe sets
Configure access to SD card through FTP client in the Automation Builder.
Configuration of SD card access through FTP client in Automation Builder
For READ and WRITE operation on the SD card the access needs to be configured in the Automation Builder using FTP client. At this place the password for the SD card access is set.
For the following activities the tool “File Zilla” is used to access the SD card. But it is also possible to use other FTP client tools.
Access of SD card through FTP client
Enter the PLC IP address as Host, sdcard as Username, password which is configured in the Automation Builder tool and Port number configured (default is 21).
After press “Quickconnect” button, the user can access the SD card data.
Recipe files created in SD card accessed using FTP client
When the READ operation is selected, there must be a recipe file present in the Memory card in .CSV format. The name of the file must be as per the Recipe Function Block guideline. The Recipe block will copy the values of each variable to respective zone data structure. This will help the user to configure the system faster after a restart.
The CSV file is generated, in which all the data is added into a single line for each zone, separated by a semicolon (;) (see figure “Recipe files created in SD card accessed using FTP client”
Open CSV file without delimited
This CSV file can be displayed with separate columns using option “Text to Columns”:
Then follow the following steps:
To choose the data type, choose “Delimited- Characters such as commas or tabs separate each field”
To set the delimiters, tick the box “Semicolon”.
To set the data format, choose “General”.
- ⇒
As a result: