List of all error numbers generated by HA-Modbus TCP library and specific constants declared in the library.

scope Name Type Initial Comment
Error Numbers HA_MOD_INVALID_LENGTH WORD 16#2017 Invalid length at the input of data sync block.
HA_MOD_ERNO_TBL_OVERFLOW WORD 16#2022 HA data reference table is full.
HA_MOD_FRAME_TYPE_STATUS BYTE 16#42 HA status frame.
Constants HA_MOD_FRAME_TYPE_STATUS_DATA BYTE 16#42 HA status and data frame 16#DD.
HA_MOD_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE UINT 1464 HA sync max. frame size (1400 original ).
HA_MOD_DELAY_CI52x_ERR UINT 0 Number of cycle delay before declaring the CI52x failure error.
HA_MOD_FILTER_TIME_HA_SYNC_ARRAY_INIT BYTE 200 Number of cycles to wait before calculating HA_SyncArray ptrData CS.
HA_MOD_MAX_SYNC_ENTRIES UINT 1024 Total size of the sync entry array (NoSyncFBPins* MaxSyncFBs.) in bytes.
HA_MOD_MAX_DATA_IN_ETH_FRAME UINT 1416 Ethernet Frame Length - Size of Header (1336 UDP) in bytes.