Input DescriptionΒΆ

EN   BOOL \    (enable)

Processing of the Function Block is controlled via the input EN.


The writing procedure is triggered.


The Function Block is not processed, i. e. it no longer changes its outputs.

SECTION   STRING(20) \    (section \ to write)

Section to write to.

KEY   STRING(20) \    (key \ to write)

Key to be written.

VALUE   STRING(80) \    (value \ to write)

Value of the key to be written.

ACT   FLASH_DATA_ACT_TYPE \    (actual)

With the ACT input, the Function Block can be set to initialize, write the configuration data or to save, to skip or reset the Function Block operation. The input can be set to following values:


With this input, the Function Block is initialized for processing of configuration data. The configuration data is copied from the Flash to the RAM, where it can be processed until a re-write into the Flash is performed via the SAVE input. If ACT = FLASH_DATA_INIT, all the other inputs are ignored. If the initialization process is performed, all the previous changes are discarded and the original configuration data is copied from the Flash.


Write data to RAMdisk with the ACT = FLASH_DATA_WRITE.

FLASH_DATA_SAVE: Save data from RAMdisk to Flash

Using ACT = FLASH_DATA_SAVE, all changes made at the configuration data are saved to Flash. So they are stored non-volatile during power-down. If this step is not carried out, all previous changes are lost. Since writing into the Flash takes some time, the save action should be performed as the last step, after all of the desired values are written, modified or deleted.


Skip current changes in RAMdisk by using FLASH_DATA_SKIP at the input ACT.


With this input, a reset function is carried out, which deletes all of the configuration data completely.