Output Description¶
Data_Type | Default_Value | Range | Unit |
BOOL | - | TRUE / FALSE | - |
Output DONE indicates the state of execution.
It has the value TRUE when the execution is finished and the outputs are valid. When DONE becomes FALSE other outputs are not valid any more.
Data_Type | Default_Value | Range | Unit |
BOOL | - | TRUE / FALSE | - |
Output ERR indicates whether an error occurred during Function Block execution.
It is only valid when DONE is TRUE. The kind of occurred error is specified by the error identifier at output ERNO.
Data_Type | Default_Value | Range | Unit |
WORD | - | 0 … 65535 | - |
At output ERNO the identifier of an occurred error is provided. It is only valid when DONE and ERR is TRUE. (see, error messages): Error Messages of the Function Block Libraries
LEVR_BY WORD \ (level \ of the receive \ buffer in bytes)
As long as EN = TRUE, output LEVR_BY displays the filling level of the receive buffer in bytes.
LEVR_DS WORD \ (level \ of the receive buffer in data \ sets)
As long as EN = TRUE, output LEVR_DS displays the filling level of the receive buffer in data sets.
LEVSH_BY WORD \ (level \ of the send \ buffer - high \ priority in bytes)
As long as EN = TRUE, output LEVSH_BY displays the filling level of the high priority send buffer in bytes.
LEVSH_DS WORD \ (level \ of the send \ buffer - high \ priority in data sets)
As long as EN = TRUE, output LEVSH_DS displays the filling level of the high priority send buffer in data sets.
LEVSL_BY WORD \ (level \ of the send \ buffer - low \ priority in bytes)
As long as EN = TRUE, output LEVSL_BY displays the filling level of the low priority send buffer in bytes.
LEVSL_DS WORD \ (level \ of the send \ buffer - low \ priority in data \ sets)
As long as EN = TRUE, output LEVSL_DS displays the filling level of the low priority send buffer in data sets.
LEVSTO_DS WORD \ (level \ of the send \ buffer - timeout \ in data \ sets)
As long as EN = TRUE, output LEVSTO_DS displays the filling level of the timeout buffer in data sets.
NUMR_BC DWORD \ (number \ of received \ broadcasts)
NUMR_BC outputs the number of broadcasts (data packages to all stations) which were received by this station.
NUMR_REJ DWORD \ (number \ of receipts \ rejected)
At output NUMR_REJ, the number of data sets is displayed which were discarded during reception due to a full receive buffer. Data sets are only discarded if this is set accordingly within the configuration of the UDP/IP processing.
NUMR_OWR DWORD \ (number \ of receipts \ overwritten)
At output NUMR_OWR, the number of data sets is displayed which were overwritten during reception due to a full receive buffer. Data sets are only overwritten in the receive buffer, if this is set accordingly within the configuration of the UDP/IP processing.
NUMR_INV DWORD \ (number \ of receipts \ invalid)
NUMR_INV outputs the number of telegrams which were received faulty by this station.