Input Description¶
EN BOOL \ (enable)
Block processing is activated with a FALSE -> TRUE edge at input EN. The Function Block’s job is processed, if the values applied at the inputs are valid. Otherwise, if the input values are not valid, processing is aborted and a corresponding error is displayed at output ERR/ERNO. Block processing is completed, if output DONE changes to TRUE. During job processing, state changes at input EN are recognized but not evaluated.
COME BOOL \ (come)
Input COME is used to specify the status of the error to be generated. This input can be used in combination with input GO.
COME = TRUE = “Error has come”
GO BOOL \ (go)
Input GO is used to specify the status of the error to be generated. This input can be used in combination with input COME.
GO = TRUE = “Error has gone”
CLASS BYTE \ (class)
At input “CLASS”, the error class to be generated is specified.
Valid range: 1…4
DEVICE BYTE \ (device)
Input “DEVICE” is used to specify the device number the generated error should be assigned to.
Valid range: 0…255
MODULE BYTE \ (module)
Input “MODULE” is used to specify the module the generated error should be assigned to.
Valid range: 0…31
CHANNEL BYTE \ (channel)
Input “CHANNEL” is used to specify the channel the generated error should be assigned to.
Valid range: 0…31
ERROR BYTE \ (error)
At input “ERROR”, the error number to be generated is specified. In order to facilitate later assignment of the errors, it is recommended to use the error numbers already defined. Please refer to the corresponding chapter for a more detailed overview of possible system errors and the used error numbers. If an error is not yet declared by an error number, it is recommended to use a free error number.
Valid range: 0…63