Output Description¶
Data_Type | Default_Value | Range | Unit |
BOOL | - | TRUE / FALSE | - |
Output DONE indicates the state of execution.
It has the value TRUE when the execution is finished and the outputs are valid. When DONE becomes FALSE other outputs are not valid any more.
Data_Type | Default_Value | Range | Unit |
BOOL | - | TRUE / FALSE | - |
Output ERR indicates whether an error occurred during Function Block execution.
It is only valid when DONE is TRUE. The kind of occurred error is specified by the error identifier at output ERNO.
Data_Type | Default_Value | Range | Unit |
WORD | - | 0 … 65535 | - |
At output ERNO the identifier of an occurred error is provided. It is only valid when DONE and ERR is TRUE. (see, error messages): Error Messages of the Function Block Libraries
NUM_SRV BYTE \ (number \ of servers)
Output NUM_SRV indicates the number of parallel server channels configured with Automation Builder software. NUM_SRV is only valid if DONE = TRUE and ERR = FALSE.
RDY BOOL \ (ready)
RDY indicates the readiness for operation of the open MODBUS on TCP/IP processing. If RDY = TRUE, the server processing as well as the client processing are ready for operation. RDY is only valid if DONE = TRUE and ERR = FALSE.
STAT WORD \ (status)
Output STAT displays the current operating state of the open MODBUS on TCP/IP processing. STAT is only valid if DONE = TRUE and ERR = FALSE.
STAT | Meaning | |
DEC | HEX | |
0 | 00 | Processing not initialized |
1 | 01 | Processing initialized and running |
2 | 02 | Processing initialization in progress |
3 | 03 | Initialization error |
4 | 04 | Processing initialized and waiting for TCP task |
NUM_ERRS DWORD \ (number \ of errors)
Output NUM_ERRS displays the number of errors that occurred on the ETHERNET interface.
LAST_ERR WORD \ (lasterror)
LAST_ERR outputs the last error occurred on the ETHERNET interface. The error message encoding at output LAST_ERR applies to all ETHERNET Function Blocks and is explained at the beginning of the library descriptions.
The outputs gives the value which has been received directly from the ETHERNET interface. To find this error code inside the list of error messages, the value 0x6000 has to be added to the error value.