Output Description¶
DONE BOOL \ (done)
The output variable DONE shows the processing REC_C_TS_NA_1 of the Function Block. It shows TRUE when the processing ended or an error took place. This variable DONE should be checked together with the variable ERR. If DONE and ERR are set to TRUE then the output ERNO should be checked to see which error occurred.
ERR BOOL \ (error)
ERR shows TRUE if the Function Block was terminated as a consequence of an error, or FALSE if it ended normally.
Data_Type | Default_Value | Range | Unit |
WORD | - | 0 … 65535 | - |
At output ERNO the identifier of an occurred error is provided. It is only valid when DONE and ERR is TRUE. (see, error messages): Error Messages of the Function Block Libraries
RDY BOOL \ (ready)
A command was received if the output RDY = TRUE.
TSC \ WORD \ (Test Sequence Counter)
The requesting station may choose any value of TSC. The TSC in the response shall match the request.
The following 5 outputs provide the address the testing station requested.
The tested station needs to answer with this address.
GADU1 \ (Common Address of ASDU Byte 1)
GADU2 \ (Common Address of ASDU Byte 2)
IAD1 \ (Information Object Address Byte 1)
IAD2 \ (Information Object Address Byte 2)
IAD3 \ (Information Object Address Byte 3)