Input DescriptionΒΆ
EN (enable)
Data_Type | Default_Value | Range | Unit |
BOOL | - | - | - |
In order to enable the function block processing, input EN has to be continuously set to TRUE. The function block is not processed if input EN = FALSE. While input is set to TRUE, the inputs are continuously checked for validity and plausibility. If this is not the case, processing is aborted and an error is displayed.
AUTOCHG_STYLE(auto change style)
Data type: BYTE, default value: 0, range: 0-3
Mode | Short description | Description |
0 | None | Autochange function disabled. |
1 | Fixed | The starting sequence is shifted periodically at pre-defined intervals Autochange interval. For the Autochange to occur in this mode, it is necessary that atleast one pump is in standby condition. With this, when the Autochange occurs the pump with the maximum runtime would stop and the new pump would start. |
2 | Runtime diff | The starting sequence is rearranged when the difference between the runtimes of two pumps exceed a limit, runtime difference. In the new sequence, the pump with the lowest runtime will be started first, the pump with the highest runtime will be started last. For the autochange to occur in this mode, it is necessary that atleast one pump is in standby condition. With this, when the autochange occurs the pump with the maximum runtime would stop and the new pump would start. |
3 | All stop | The starting sequence is shifted every time the pump stops. This mode is also available to operate in the traditional pumping station. |
AUTOCHG_INTERVAL (auto change interval)
Data type: TIME, default value: 60, range: > 0, unit: s
Time delay to elapse for the fixed Autochange to activate when the Autochange style selected is = 1.
RUNTIME_DIFFERENCE (runtime difference)
Data type: TIME, default value: 60, range: > 0, unit: s
Maximum permitted runtime difference between the two pumps in the network when the Autochange style selected is = 2.
STATION_DATA (station data structure)
This structure contains pumping station data. All the Functions Blocks receive some data, process it and write it back to the structure.