ACS_MOD_PRM_NUM_32BIT Function creates the MODBUS Address for a 32 Bit Parameter of ACSxxx DrivesΒΆ
Function to create the MODBUS address for a 32 bit parameter of ACSxxx drives.
Function Block Information
Available as of PLC runtime system: | V1.3.2 and above |
Included in library: | ACSDrivesBase_AC500_V20.lib |
Function Block Type: | Function Block with historical values. |
Block Description
This function will create the MODBUS address for 32 bit parameters of the ACSXXX / ACx550 drives using the format for 16 bit parameter as input.
Output is the calculated address for 32 bit parameters according the following rule:
ACS_MOD_PRM_NUM_32BIT = 20000 + (200 * GG) + (2 * ii)
Where GG = parameter group and ii = the index of input PRM_NUM in format of 4 digits: GGii.
PRM_NUM (parameter number)
Data type: WORD
Input for function. Parameter number in format: 100 * GG + ii
(GG = parameter group, ii = parameter index of the drive, e.g. for parameter 12.02, 100 * GG + ii = 1202.)
ACS_MOD_PRM_NUM_32BIT (acs mod prm num 32 bit)
Data type: WORD
Output of function. MODBUS address for 32 bit parameter access, which can be used at input PRM_NUM of ACS_MOD_READ_N_PRM ACS_MOD_READ_N_PRM Read N Parameters from an ACS Drive via MODBUS RTU or ACS_MOD_WRITE_N_PRM ACS_MOD_WRITE_N_PRM Write N Parameters to an ACS/DCS Drive via MODBUS RTU.
E.g. ACQ810 Par.14.54 (32 bit parameter) MODBUS Address is 22908. This is the output of the function if PRM_NUM input is set to 1454.