Output Description¶
DONE (done)
Data type: BOOL
Output DONE indicates the state of the job processing. After completing or aborting the processing (due to an error), DONE is set to TRUE for one cycle. For that reason, the output always has to be considered together with output ERR. If ERR is TRUE, an error occurred. In this case, the error number can be read at output ERNO.
RDY_ON (ready on)
Data type: BOOL
Output RDY_ON is bit 0 of actual Status Word from the drive.
RDY_RUN (ready run)
Data type: BOOL
Output RDY_RUN is bit 1 of actual Status Word from the drive.
RDY_REF (ready ref)
Data type: BOOL
Output RDY_REF is bit 2 of actual Status Word from the drive.
TRIPPED (tripped)
Data type: BOOL
Output TRIPPED=TRUE indicates that the drive is tripped (Bit 3 in the Status Word from the drive).
OFF2_STATE (off state 2)
Data type: BOOL
Output OFF_STATE2 is bit 4 of actual Status Word from the drive.
OFF3_STATE (off state 3)
Data type: BOOL
Output OFF_STATE3 is bit 5 of actual Status Word from the drive.
SWC_ON_INHIB (switch on inhibit)
Data type: Bool
Output SWC_ON_INHIB is bit 6 of actual Status Word from the drive.
ALARM (alarm)
Data type: BOOL
Output ALARM=TRUE indicates that the drive has an alarm (Bit 7 in the Status Word from the drive).
AT_SETPOINT (actual tolerance setpoint)
Data type: BOOL
Output AT_SETPOINT is bit 8 of actual Status Word from the drive.
REMOTE (remote)
Data type: BOOL
Output REMOTE is bit 9 of actual Status Word from the drive.
ABOVE_LIMIT (above limit)
Data type: BOOL
Output ABOVE_LIMIT is bit 10 of actual Status Word from the drive.
EXT_CTRL_LOC_ACT (external control location active)
Data type: BOOL
Output EXT_CTRL_LOC_ACT is bit 11 of actual Status Word from the drive. Output EXT_CTRL_LOC_ACT = TRUE indicates that the drive is controlled from the control place EXT2 (Bit 11 in Status Word from the drive). EXT_CTRL_LOC_ACT might be set to TRUE due to the input EXT_CTRL_LOC = TRUE.
EXT_RUN_ENABLE (external run enable)
Data type: BOOL
Output EXT_RUN_ENABLE is bit 12 of actual Status Word from the drive. Output EXT_RUN_ENABLE=TRUE indicates that the drive received External Run Enable signal. For normal control of the drive from the PLC EXT_RUN_ENABLE must be set to TRUE.
SW_BIT13 (status word bit 13)
Data type: BOOL
Output SW_BIT13 is bit 13 of actual Status Word from the drive.
SW_BIT14 (status word bit 14)
Data type: BOOL
Output SW_BIT14 is bit 14 of actual Status Word from the drive.
SW_BIT15 (status word bit 15)
Data type: BOOL
Output SW_BIT15 is bit 15 of actual Status Word from the drive.
ACT_SW (actual status word)
Data type: WORD
Output ACT_SW is the actual Status Word from the drive.
ACT_VALUE1 (actual value 1)
Data type: INT
Output ACT_VALUE1 is the Actual Value 1 (actual speed value) from the drive.
ACT_VALUE2 (actual value 2)
Data type: INT
Output ACT_VALUE2 is the Actual Value 2 from the drive.
USED_CW (used control word)
Data type: WORD
Output USED_CW shows the used Control Word which is written to the DRIVE_DATA variable.
E.g. the packed word from the input bits OFF1 .. CW_BIT15 if USE_CW=FALSE.
Function Call in ST
ACSDrivesCtrlEng (EN := xACSDrivesCtrlEng_EN,
OFF1 := xACSDrivesCtrlEng_OFF1,
OFF2 := xACSDrivesCtrlEng_OFF2,
OFF3 := xACSDrivesCtrlEng_OFF3,
RESET := xACSDrivesCtrlEng_RESET,
CW_BIT8 := xACSDrivesCtrlEng_CW_BIT8,
CW_BIT9 := xACSDrivesCtrlEng_CW_BIT9,
CW_BIT12 := xACSDrivesCtrlEng_CW_BIT12,
CW_BIT13 := xACSDrivesCtrlEng_CW_BIT13,
CW_BIT14 := xACSDrivesCtrlEng_CW_BIT14,
CW_BIT15 := xACSDrivesCtrlEng_CW_BIT15,
USE_CW := xACSDrivesCtrlEng_USE_CW,
CW := xwACSDrivesCtrlEng_CW,
xACSDrivesCtrlEng_DONE := ACSDrivesCtrlEng.DONE;
xACSDrivesCtrlEng_RDY_ON := ACSDrivesCtrlEng.RDY_ON;
xACSDrivesCtrlEng_RDY_RUN := ACSDrivesCtrlEng.RDY_DONE;
xACSDrivesCtrlEng_RDY_REF := ACSDrivesCtrlEng.RDY_REF;
xACSDrivesCtrlEng_TRIPPED := ACSDrivesCtrlEng.TRIPPED;
xACSDrivesCtrlEng_OFF2_STATE := ACSDrivesCtrlEng.OFF2_STATE;
xACSDrivesCtrlEng_OFF3_STATE := ACSDrivesCtrlEng.OFF3_STATE;
xACSDrivesCtrlEng_SWC_ON_INHIB := ACSDrivesCtrlEng.SWC_ON_INHIB;
xACSDrivesCtrlEng_ALARM := ACSDrivesCtrlEng.ALARM;
xACSDrivesCtrlEng_REMOTE := ACSDrivesCtrlEng.REMOTE;
xACSDrivesCtrlEng_SW_BIT13 := ACSDrivesCtrlEng.SW_BIT13;
xACSDrivesCtrlEng_SW_BIT14 := ACSDrivesCtrlEng.SW_BIT14;
xACSDrivesCtrlEng_SW_BIT15 := ACSDrivesCtrlEng.SW_BIT15;
wACSDrivesCtrlEng_ACT_SW := ACSDrivesCtrlEng.ACT_SW;
iACSDrivesCtrlEng_ACT_VALUE1 := ACSDrivesCtrlEng.ACT_VALUE1;
iACSDrivesCtrlEng_ACT_VALUE2 := ACSDrivesCtrlEng.ACT_VALUE2;
wACSDrivesCtrlEng_USED_CW := ACSDrivesCtrlEng.USED_CW;