Output Description



Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BOOL - - -

DONE indicates the processing state of the function block. After completion or abortion of processing due to an error, DONE is set to TRUE for one cycle. This output always has to be considered together with output ERR. If ERR is TRUE, an error occurred. In this case, the error number can be read at output ERNO.

ERR (error)

Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BOOL - - -

ERR indicates whether an error occurred during the processing of the function block. This output always has to be considered together with output DONE. If DONE is TRUE and ERR is TRUE, an error occurred. In this case, the error number can be read at output ERNO.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
WORD - 0 … 65535 -

At output ERNO the identifier of an occurred error is provided. It is only valid when DONE and ERR is TRUE, (see, error messages): Error Messages of the Function Block Libraries


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE - - -

Output displays the actual operating mode of the device.

Parameter Value Operating mode
DC541_MODE_IO = 16#11 = 17 IO device (IO mode)
DC541_MODE_COUNT = 16#22 = 34 Counting device (counter mode)

CYCLE (cycle \ time)

Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
WORD - - µs

Output displays the cycle time of the device. The cycle time is set during the device configuration and can have the following values depending on the channel configuration:

Parameter Description Value
IO device   50 µs
Counting device 1-2 functions 50 µs
  3-4 functions 100 µs
  5-8 functions 200 µs
  PWM Pulse-width modulator
  FREQ Time and frequency measurement
  FREQ_OUT Frequency output
  32BIT_CNT 32 bit counter
  FWD_CNT 32 bit count-up counter
  LIMIT Limit value monitoring for the 32 bit counter

CFG0…CFG7 (configuration \ of C0…C7)

Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE - - -

The outputs display the current channel configuration of the channels C0…C7.

MODE = DC541_MODE_IO = 16#11 = 17
CFGx Channel Function
0 0…7 Normal input
1 0…7 Normal output
255 0…7 Interrupt input
MODE = DC541_MODE_COUNT = 16#22 = 34
CFGx Channel Function
0 0…7 Normal input
1 0…7 Normal output
2 0…7 Pulse-width modulator (PWM)
3 0…1 50 kHz count-up counter (FWD_CNT)
3 2…7 5 kHz count-up counter (FWD_CNT)
4 0…7 Time and frequency measurement (FREQ)
5 4…7 Limit values for 32 bit counter (LIMIT)
6 0 Bidirectional 32 bit counter (uses channels 0…3). The channels CFG1…CFG3 can be set as desired.
7 0…7 Frequency output