Output Description¶
DONE BOOL \ (done)
Output DONE indicates the processing state of the Function Block. After completion or abortion of processing (due to an error), DONE is set to TRUE for one cycle. For that reason, the output always has to be considered together with output ERR. If ERR is TRUE, an error occurred. In this case, the error number can be read at output ERNO.
ERR BOOL \ (error)
Output ERR indicates whether an error occurred during the processing of the Function Block. This output always has to be considered together with output DONE. If DONE is TRUE and ERR is TRUE, an error occurred. In this case, the error number can be read at output ERNO.
Data_Type | Default_Value | Range | Unit |
WORD | - | 0 … 65535 | - |
At output ERNO the identifier of an occurred error is provided. It is only valid when DONE and ERR is TRUE. (see, error messages): Error Messages of the Function Block Libraries
PROJECT_HASH ARRAY \ [0..15] OF BYTE \ (Hash \ of the complete Bootproject)
PROJECT_HASH outputs the MD5 hash of the whole Bootproject. It is calculated from all the following MD5 sums.
BOOTPRG_HASH ARRAY \ [0..15] OF BYTE \ (Hash \ of the user program \ code in the Bootproject)
BOOTPRG_HASH outputs the MD5 hash of the user program part of the Bootproject.
WEBVISU_HASH ARRAY \ [0..15] OF BYTE \ (Hash \ of all webvisualization \ files in the Bootproject)
WEBVISU_HASH outputs the MD5 hash of all webvisualization files in the Bootproject.
CONFIG_HASH ARRAY \ [0..15] OF BYTE \ (Hash \ of the PLC Configuration)
CONFIG_HASH outputs the MD5 hash of PLC configuration in the Bootproject.
SYMBOL_HASH ARRAY \ [0..15] OF BYTE \ (Hash \ of the symbol \ file in the Bootproject)
SYMBOL_HASH outputs the MD5 hash of the symbol file in the Bootproject.
FLEXCONF_HASH ARRAY \ [0..15] OF BYTE \ (Hash \ of the flexible \ configuration \ file)
FLEXCONF_HASH outputs the MD5 hash of the flexible configuration part of the Bootproject.
ADD_FILES_HASH ARRAY \ [0..15] OF BYTE \ (Hash \ of the complete boot additional \ files \ contained in the Bootproject)
ADD_FILES_HASH outputs the MD5 hash of all additional files inside the Bootproject.
STATE BYTE \ (State/validity \ of the Bootproject hashes)
STATE outputs the validity of the hash outputs. It contains status bits for different states the PLC can be in. These states affect whether the hashes at the outputs of this Function Block will be valid or not and why. All the Status Bits are also shown at the other BOOL outputs of this Function Block:
NO_BOOTPRG BOOL \ (no \ bootproject found)
NO_BOOTPRG is set to TRUE if no Bootproject has been found that could be hashed (STATE Bit 0).
ONL_CHANGE BOOL \ (Online \ change detected since booting the PLC)
ONL_CHANGE is set to TRUE if an online change has been done since booting, so the hashes are outdated (STATE Bit 1).
DOWNLOAD BOOL \ (Download \ detected since booting the PLC)
DOWNLOAD is set to TRUE if a project download has been done since boot, so the hashes are outdated (STATE Bit 2).
BOOTLOAD BOOL \ (Bootload \ detected since booting the PLC)
DOWNLOAD is set to TRUE if a Bootproject download has been flashed since boot, so the hashes are outdated (STATE Bit 3).