Input Description¶
The inputs marked with a triangle are of the class VAR_IN_OUT (input and output variable). These inputs must be connected to a variable.
EN (enable)
Data_Type | Default_Value | Range | Unit |
BOOL | - | - | - |
In order to enable the function block processing, input EN has to be continuously set to TRUE. The function block is not processed if input EN = FALSE. While input is set to TRUE, the inputs are continuously checked for validity and plausibility. If this is not the case, processing is aborted and an error is displayed.
PUMP_ID (pump identification number)
Data type: INT, default value: 1, range: 1-3
Identifies which Function Block instance is used for which physical pump.
INLET_CTRL (inlet control)
Data type: INT, default value: 0, range: 0-3
Mode | Short description | Description |
0 | Disabled | Primary inlet pressure supervision is not used. |
1 | Alarm | Detection of low inlet pressure produces an alarm after the inlet control delay. |
2 | Fault | Detection of low inlet pressure trips drive after the inlet control delay. |
3 | Reduced speed | Detection of low inlet pressure produces an alarm after the inlet control delay. The Pump speed is reduced to the speed specified in inlet forced reference. |
PRESSURE_LOW_LIMIT (pressure low limit)
Data type: REAL, default value: 1, range: 0-100, unit: %
Low pressure level limit for primary protection.
PRESSURE_VERY_LOW_CTRL (pressure very low control)
Data type: INT, default value: 1, range: 0-2
Mode | Short description | Description |
0 | Disabled | Secondary inlet pressure supervision is not used. |
1 | Fault | Detection of very low inlet pressure trips drive. |
2 | Stop | Detection of very low inlet pressure stops drive. The drive will restart, if pressure rises above PRESSURE_VERY_LOW_LIMIT value. |
PRESSURE_VERY_LOW_LIMIT (pressure very low limit)
Data type: REAL, default value: 1, range: 0-100, unit: %
Very low pressure level limit at secondary protection.
INLET_CTRL_DELAY (inlet control delay)
Data type: TIME, default value: 1, range: 0-600, unit: s
Delay for primary (actual pressure less than the low pressure limit) and secondary supervision (actual pressure less than the very low pressure limit ) of pump inlet pressure.
Range: 0 to 600 seconds .
INLET_FORCED_REF (inlet forced reference)
Data type: INT, default value: 1, range: ³ 0, unit: rpm
Inlet forced reference for very low pressure. Detection of low inlet pressure produces an alarm after the inlet control delay. The pump speed is reduced to the speed specified in inlet forced reference.
OUTLET_CTRL (outlet control)
Data type: INT, default value: 1, range: 0-3
Mode | Short description | Description |
0 | Disabled | Primary outlet pressure supervision is not used. |
1 | Alarm | Detection of high outlet pressure produces an alarm after the outlet control delay. |
2 | Fault | Detection of high outlet pressure trips drive after the outlet control delay. |
3 | Reduced speed | Detection of high outlet pressure produces an alarm after the outlet control delay. Pump speed: Reduced to the speed specified in outlet forced reference. |
PRESSURE_HIGH_LIMIT(pressure high limit)
Data type: REAL, default value: 1, range: 0-100, unit: %
High pressure level limit for primary protection.
PRESSURE_VERY_HIGH_CTRL (pressure very high control)
Data type: INT, default value: 1, range: 0-2
Mode | Short description | Description |
0 | Disabled | Secondary outlet pressure supervision is not used. |
1 | Fault | Detection of very high outlet pressure trips drive. |
2 | Stop | Detection of very high outlet pressure stops drive. The drive will restart, if pressure rises above limit. |
PRESSURE_VERY_HIGH_LIMIT (pressure very high limit)
Data type: REAL, default value: 1, range: 0-100, unit: %
Very high pressure level limit at secondary protection.
OUTLET_CTRL_DELAY (outlet control delay)
Data type: TIME, default value: 1, range: 0-600, unit: s
Delay for primary and secondary supervision of pump outlet pressure.
OUTLET_FORCED_REF (outlet forced reference)
Data type: INT, default value: 1, range: ³ 0, unit: rpm
Outlet Forced Reference for very high pressure. Detection of high outlet pressure produces an alarm after the outlet control delay. The Pump speed is reduced to the speed specified in Outlet Forced Reference.
FLOW_MAX_CTRL (flow maximum control)
Data type: INT, default value: 1, range: 0-2
Mode | Description |
0 | Protection from high flow rates disabled. |
1 | Alarms generated – minimum flow. |
2 | Fault generated - minimum flow, drive trips. |
FLOW_MAX_LIMIT(flow maximum limit)
Data type: REAL, default value: 0, range: 0-32767, unit: m:sup:3/h
Value of max flow rate limit in m3/h.
FLOW_MIN_CTRL (flow minimum control)
Data type: REAL, default value: 1, range: 0-2
Mode | Description |
0 | Protection from low flow rates disabled. |
1 | Alarms generated – minimum flow. |
2 | Fault generated - minimum flow, drive trips. |
FLOW_MIN_LIMIT (flow minimum limit)
Data type: INT, default value: 0, range: 0-32767, unit: m:sup:3/h
Value of minimum flow rate limit.
FLOW_CTRL_DELAY (flow control delay)
Data type: TIME, default value: 1, range: 0-12600, unit: s
Delay before executing the control due to low or high flow rates.
FLOW_CHECK_DELAY (flow check delay)
Data type: TIME, default value: 1, range: 0-12600, unit: s
Delay after the start of the pump before monitoring the flow rates.
PROFILE_CTRL (profile control)
Data type: INT, default value: 1, range: 0-2
Mode | Description |
0 | Protection from high flow rates disabled. |
1 | Alarms generated – maximum flow. |
2 | Fault generated - maximum flow, drive trips. |
PROFILE_LIMIT (profile limit)
Data type: INT, default value: 1, range: 0-32767
Value of profile protection limit.
PROFILE_CTRL_DELAY (profile control delay)
Data type: TIME, default value: 1, range: ³ 0, unit: s
Time delay before the Profile Control activates.
PRESSURE_ACT (actual pressure)
Data type: INT, default value: 1, range: 0-100, unit: %
Actual pressure of the system.
FLOW_ACT (actual flow)
Data type: INT, default value: 1, range: ³ 0, unit: m3/h
Actual flow of the pump.
PID_DEVIATION(pid deviation)
Data type: REAL, default value: 0.0, range 0-100.0, unit %
Deviation of Set value from actual value. It is also known as PID error.
PID_OUT(pid out)
Data type: REAL, default value: 1, range: -100 to +100, unit: %
PID Out is generated by PUMP_PID Function Block. PID control process error value gives output.
STATION_DATA (station data structure)
This structure contains pumping station data. All the Functions Blocks receive some data, process it and write it back to the structure.