Global VariablesΒΆ

Group: HA_Global_Variables  
fG_HA_PRIMARY State of the AC500 CPU (FALSE -> PM acts as secondary, TRUE -> PM acts as primary)
fG_HA_PM1_PRIMARY Indication of primary PM (FALSE -> PM1 / IP1 is not primary, TRUE -> PM1 / IP1 acts as primary
fG_HA_CPU_STOP Indication of PLC STOP status (FALSE -> indicates the CPU in RUN mode. If TRUE -> indicates the CPU in STOP MODE)
fG_HA_Err High Availability error state
wG_HA_ErNo High Availability error code
bitG_Data_ERR High Availability error state for data synchronization
wG_DATA ERNO High Availability error code for data synchronization
dwG_HA_OwnIP Own IP address on sync link connection
dwG_HA_OtherIP Other PMs IP address on sync link connection
bG_HA_Slot Slot of interface to sync link connection
dwG_HA_ServerAlive Life counter incremented by OPC server
byLastDataDelay Variable to store last delay in data exchange
bitRefreshDataDelay Bit to refresh data delay
byCntDataDelay Data delay counts
wETH_Life ETHERNET Life Count
dwHATimersBaseTime High Availability base timer
dwHaVisuBackgroundColor Visualization elements background color 16#00<B><G><R>
dwHaVisuTitleColor Visualization elements title background color 16#00<B><G><R>