HA-CS31 Library - Overview Diagram

The following table gives an overview which function blocks and functions run on CPU and on CM574 (slot 2 to 4). In this example slot 1 is used for CM577-ETH for program download. Function blocks marked in italic font are only available from HA-CS31 library version V2.4.0. In another case if a user has a PLC with more than one onboard ETH (Example: PM595, PM591-2ETH) the user can use ETH2 port for downloading e.g. the program, webserver, OPC server communication etc.

CM574 program (slot 4) CM574 program (slot 3) CM574 program (slot 2) CM577-ETH (slot 1) CPU program CS31 line
- - - - Application -
- - - - HA_CS31_PID -
- - - - HA_CS31_CTD -
- - - - … (further utility function blocks) -
- - - - HA_CS31_DATA_SYNC -
- - - - HA Functionality -
- - - - HA_CONTROL -
- - - - HA_CS31_DIAG(_EXT 01 (local)
- - HA_CS31_DIAG_ON_CM574 - HA_CS31_DIAG(_EXT)_VIA_CM574 2.1 (slot 2, COM1)
- - HA_CS31_DIAG_ON_CM574 - HA_CS31_DIAG(_EXT)_VIA_CM574 2.2 (slot 2, COM2)
- HA_CS31_DIAG_ON_CM574 - - HA_CS31_DIAG(_EXT)_VIA_CM574 3.1 (slot 3, COM1)
- HA_CS31_DIAG_ON_CM574 - - HA_CS31_DIAG(_EXT)_VIA_CM574 3.2 (slot 3, COM2)
HA_CS31_DIAG_ON_CM574 - - - HA_CS31_DIAG(_EXT)_VIA_CM574 4.1 (slot 4, COM1)
HA_CS31_DIAG_ON_CM574 - - - HA_CS31_DIAG(_EXT)_VIA_CM574 4.2 (slot 4, COM2)