DCS_DRIVES_CTRL_GEN_VISU_PH Visualization Faceplate of Function Block DCS_DRIVES_CTRL_GENΒΆ
Visualization element DCS_DRIVES_CTRL_GEN_VISU_PH can be used to show the actual values of all inputs and outputs of the instance of an DCS_DRIVES_CTRL_GEN Function Block, which instance was used to replace the placeholder $FB$.
The visualization could also be used to control the Function Block by those inputs which are not connected inside the program.
Visualization Information
Available in PLC runtime system: | V1.3.2 |
Included in library: | DCSDrivesBase_AC500_V24.lib |
Visualization Description
Visualization element DCS_DRIVES_CTRL_GEN_VISU_PH can be used to show the actual values of all inputs and outputs of the instance of an DCS_DRIVES_CTRL_GEN Function Block which instance was used to replace the placeholder $FB$.
All inputs of that DCS_DRIVES_CTRL_GEN Function Block which are not connected to a variable (left open) can be written from this visualization faceplate. So the Function Block can be controlled from the visualization as long as the inputs are left open. The DRIVE_DATA variable must be connected to the Function Block.
Additionally, a text message of the actual state, e.g. missing input or missing feedback from drive, is given by the variable MESSAGE, shown next to label MESSAGE.