TECT_GROUP_DATA_TYPE structure has the data related to each group in the system. It has all the status of TECT_GROUP Function Block.
No | Name | Data Type | Unit | Initial Value | Description | Access |
1 | stGroup_Name | STRING[20] | Name of the group. | RW | ||
2 | byGroup_Index | BYTE | 0 | Group index | RO | |
3 | byGroup_Size | BYTE | 0 | Size of the group. | RW | |
TECT_NotReady | Control state of the machine. | RO | |
5 | byZones_Not_Ready | BYTE | 0 | Number of zones at NotReady status. | RO | |
6 | byZones_Ready | BYTE | 0 | Number of zones at Ready status. | RO | |
7 | byZones_Manual | BYTE | 0 | Number of zones at Manual status. | RO | |
8 | byZones_AutoTune | BYTE | 0 | Number of zones at AutoTune status. | RO | |
9 | byZones_PID_Process | BYTE | 0 | Number of zones at PID process status. | RO | |
10 | byZones_Fault | BYTE | 0 | Number of zones at Fault status. | RO | |
11 | xEn_Process | BOOL | FALSE | Enable process for all zones. | RW | |
12 | xEn_Heat | BOOL | FALSE | Enable Heat process for all zones. | RW | |
13 | xEn_Cool | BOOL | FALSE | Enable Cool process for all zones. | RW | |
14 | xEn_Standby | BOOL | FALSE | Enable Standby for all zones. | RW | |
15 | xEn_AutoTune | BOOL | FALSE | Enable AutoTune process for all zones. | RW | |
16 | xEn_Accept_AutoTune | BOOL | FALSE | Accept AutoTune values for all zones. | RW | |
17 | xReset_Warm | BOOL | FALSE | Reset Warm for all zones. | RW | |
18 | xReset_Cold | BOOL | FALSE | Reset Cold for all zones. | RW | |
19 | xDisable_Process | BOOL | FALSE | Disable process for all zones. | RW | |
20 | xDisable_Heat | BOOL | FALSE | Disable Heat process for all zones. | RW | |
21 | xDisable _Cool | BOOL | FALSE | Disable Cool process for all zones. | RW | |
22 | xDisable _Standby | BOOL | FALSE | Disable Standby for all zones. | RW | |
23 | xDisable _Autotune | BOOL | FALSE | Disable AutoTune process for all zones. | RW | |
24 | xDisable _Accept_Autotune | BOOL | FALSE | Disable AutoTune values for all zones. | RW | |
25 | byControlByte | BYTE | 0 | Group Control Byte | RW | |
Transfer | BOOL | Bit 0 - Enables command transfer from group to indvidual zones | RW | |||
26 | arActual_Current | ARRAY [1..3] OF REAL | Actual current of phase L1,2 and 3 of the group | RW | ||
27 | timMonitorCycle_Time | TIME | T#600s | Current monitoring cycle time | RW | |
28 | timMonitorStep_Time | TIME | T#10s | Current monitoring step time in the cycle | RW | |
29 | timSettling_Time | TIME | T#800ms | Settling time allocated for current sensor | RW | |
30 | timLastMeasurement | TIME | T#0s | Time taken to complete current measurement of all the zones for last measurement | RW | |
31 | xEn_Co_Monitor | BOOL | FALSE | Enable common sensor current monitoring for all zones | RW | |
32 | xEn_Indivi_Monitor | BOOL | FALSE | Enable individual sensor current monitoring for all zones | RW | |
33 | xControl_Circuit_Failure | BOOL | FALSE | Control circuit failure of one of the zone e.g. SSR failure | RW | |
34 | byMaxPercentage | BYTE | % | 150 | Maximum percentage current allowed for current monitoring | RW |
35 | byMinPercentage | BYTE | % | 50 | Minimum percentage current allowed for current monitoring | RW |
36 | byZeroDetectPercentage | BYTE | % | 10 | Percentage current to detect control circuit failure | RW |