Input Description


EN (enable)

Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit

In order to enable the function block processing, input EN has to be continuously set to TRUE. If input EN = TRUE BACnet protocol stack is initialized and system background task is started. As long as EN remains TRUE BACnet protocol stack execution is active. BACnet messages will be received and responded. The function block is not processed if input EN = FALSE.

COM_TYPE (communication type)

Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit

Set communication type Structures and Enumerations.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE 1 Depends on the used Processor Module -

Set port number.

If COM_TYPE = IP, 1 = ETH1, 2 = ETH2…

If COM_TYPE = MS/TP, 1 = COM1, 2 = COM2…


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
WORD 47808(16#BAC0) 0 … 65535 -

Set BACnet port number to act at the BACnet network.

If COM_TYPE = IP, set the BACnet port number to be used.

If COM_TYPE = MS/TP, input will be ignored.

BBMD_IP (broadcast management device IP)

Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
STRING(15) - -

Set IP address of BACnet Brodcast Management Device to register as foreign device.

If COM_TYPE = IP, set the IP address to be used.

If COM_TYPE = MS/TP, input will be ignored.

BBMD_PORT (broadcast management device port)

Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
WORD 47808(16#BAC0) 0 … 65535 -

Set BACnet port number of BACnet Brodcast Management Device to register as foreign device.

If COM_TYPE = IP, set the port number to be used.

If COM_TYPE = MS/TP, input will be ignored.

MSTP_MSTR_ADR (MS/TP master address)

Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE 1 1-127 -

Set BACnet master address for MS/TP protocol to act as master at the MS/TP network.

If COM_TYPE = IP, input will be ignored.

If COM_TYPE = MS/TP, set the master address to be used.

MSTP_MAX_MSTR (MS/TP maximum master address)

Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE 127 1-127 -

Set BACnet maximum master address for MS/TP protocol. Used when scanning the MS/TP network for other master devices.

If COM_TYPE = IP, input will be ignored.

If COM_TYPE = MS/TP, set the maximum master address to be used.