Input DescriptionΒΆ


EN (enable)

Data type: BOOL

The Function Block is activated (EN = TRUE) or deactivated (EN = FALSE) via input EN. If the block is active, the current values are available at the outputs. To start a new write job the input EN has to be set from FALSE to TRUE.

If the input values are valid, a request to perform a MODBUS job is sent to the Communication Block via the DRIVE_DATA variable. If at least 1 input is invalid, no job is generated and the error is displayed at the outputs ERR and ERNO instead.

SPEED_SCALE_MAX (speed reference maximum)

Data type: UINT, Default value:20000; Range: Minimum=1

Scaling maximum for speed. With ABB Drives Profile mostly maximum fieldbus equivalent for maximum of Reference1 and Actual Value1 = +20000.

This value can be adapted at this input by setting a different value, e.g. if transparent mode is used, or speed is used as the Reference2 and Actual Value2.

SPEED_REF_MAX (speed reference maximum)

Data type: INT, Default value: 20000, Range: Minimum=1

Value which corresponds to 100% of the SPEED_REF range.

Should be the speed scaling parameter from the drive. ACS850 = Par.19.01, ACSM1 = Par25.02, ACS355 = Par11.05. e.g. 1500[rpm] or 500 [(0.1)Hz].

SPEED_REF (speed reference)

Data type: REAL

Input SPEED_REF is a REAL value, in rpm or 0.1 Hz or %.

Output SPEED_REF_FB will be calculated according to this input and scaled to +/-SPEED_SCALE_MAX. The scaled value is available at ouput SPEED_REF_FB.

If SPEED_REF exeeds 32767, an error (16#4042) will be indicated and SPEED_REF is set to 32767.

ACT_SPEED_FB (actual speed in fieldbus equivalent)

Data type: INT

Actual speed input from fieldbus in fieldbus equivalent. 100% = +SPEED_SCALE_MAX.

TORQUE_SCALE_MAX (torque reference maximum)

Data type: INT

Scaling maximum for torque. With ABB Drives Profile mostly maximum fieldbus equivalent for maximum of Reference2 and Actual Value2 = +10000.

This value can be adapted at this input by setting a different value, e.g. if transparent mode is used, or torque is used as the Reference1 and Actual Value1.

Default: 10000. Minimum = 1.

TORQUE_REF_MAX (torque reference maximum)

Data type: INT

Value which corresponds to 100% of the TORQUE_REF range.

Working with [Nm] instead of [%] the scaling parameter from the drive should be connected here: e.g. ACS850 = Par.1.29, ACSM1= Par98.1.

Default: 100. Minimum = 1.

TORQUE_REF (torque reference)

Data type: UINT

Torque reference input as real value which is used in the program. Can be in [%] or [Nm].

Will be scaled to +/-TORQUE_SCALE_MAX and be available at ouput TORQUE_REF. If TORQUE_REF would be more than 32767 an error 16#4042 will be indicated. TORQUE_REF is set to 32767.

ACT_TORQUE_FB (actual torque in fieldbus equivalent)

Data type: INT

Actual torque input form fieldbus in fieldbus equivalent (+/- TORQUE_SCALE_MAX). TORQUE_SCALE_MAX will be scaled to TORQUE_REF_MAX input and be available at output ACT_TORQUE.