TECT_ LOGFILE_DATA_TYPE is a structure which is used for the data of TECT_LOG_FILE Function Block. It contains all information of zone log data including status of the log process. E.g., user can check the status of folder: / csv file name, save status, file token information.

No Name Data Type Unit Initial Value Description Access
1 diFileEntries DINT   - 1 1: File not yet created. RO
2 iNewEntries INT   0 No of new entries. RO
3 stFileName String[12]     ' + 8.3 file name RO
4 stSubFolder String[9]     Subfolder name RO

TRUE: Error is generated.

FALSE: No error.

6 wErno WORD   0 Error number RO
7 Err_Op TECT_FILE_ENUM TECT_FILE_ENUM     Error operation to the internal structure TECT_FILE_ENUM. RO
9 wMyFileToken WORD   0 Current file token. RO
10 xSave BOOL   FALSE Start save into file. RO
11 xDirCreated BOOL   FALSE TRUE: Directory created. RO
12 xLogBusy BOOL   FALSE TRUE: Log process ongoing. RO
13 xInit BOOL   FALSE One execution after restart/ reset program: to backup (rename) the existing file. RO
14 xNewFile Bool   FALSE To create a new file. RO
15 xInThreshold Bool   FALSE TRUE: Act_temp is in threshold range. RO
16 wRetryCycle WORD   0 Number of CPU cycles have been passed after saving failed. RO
17 xSaveFailed BOOL   FALSE Save (write) to file failed. RO
18 x2ndBuffer BOOL   FALSE Second buffer allocated. RO
19 i2ndNEntry INT   0 Size of 2nd buffer in number of entries. RO
20 i2ndEntryPosLog INT   0 Position of current entry in 2nd buffer: 0.. i2ndNEntry-1. RO
21 ptr2ndBuffer POINTER TO BYTE     Pointer to begin of the 2nd buffer. RO
22 wNumLogLost WORD   0 Number of log lost for the zone RO
23 ptrLogBuffer POINTER TO BYTE     Pointer to begin of the zone log buffer. RO
24 ptrEntryLog POINTER TO BYTE     Pointer to current entry to be logged in buffer. RO
25 iEntryPosLog INT   0 Position of current buffer entry: 0.. NUM_BUFFER_ENTRY-1. RO
26 iEntryPosWrite INT   0 Position of buffer entry before which the data has been written into file: 0.. NUM_BUFFER_ENTRY-1. RO
27 wOldStatus Array[1..2] OF Word   2 (0) Old status of the log. RO