TECT_ LOGFILE_DATA_TYPE is a structure which is used for the data of TECT_LOG_FILE Function Block. It contains all information of zone log data including status of the log process. E.g., user can check the status of folder: / csv file name, save status, file token information.
No | Name | Data Type | Unit | Initial Value | Description | Access |
1 | diFileEntries | DINT | - 1 | 1: File not yet created. | RO | |
2 | iNewEntries | INT | 0 | No of new entries. | RO | |
3 | stFileName | String[12] | ' + 8.3 file name | RO | ||
4 | stSubFolder | String[9] | Subfolder name | RO | ||
5 | xErr | BOOL | FALSE | TRUE: Error is generated. FALSE: No error. |
RO | |
6 | wErno | WORD | 0 | Error number | RO | |
7 | Err_Op | TECT_FILE_ENUM TECT_FILE_ENUM | Error operation to the internal structure TECT_FILE_ENUM. | RO | ||
8 | bySaveState | TECT_FILE_ENUM TECT_FILE_ENUM | TECT_NO_OPERATION | Save state to TECT_FILE_ENUM structure. | RO | |
9 | wMyFileToken | WORD | 0 | Current file token. | RO | |
10 | xSave | BOOL | FALSE | Start save into file. | RO | |
11 | xDirCreated | BOOL | FALSE | TRUE: Directory created. | RO | |
12 | xLogBusy | BOOL | FALSE | TRUE: Log process ongoing. | RO | |
13 | xInit | BOOL | FALSE | One execution after restart/ reset program: to backup (rename) the existing file. | RO | |
14 | xNewFile | Bool | FALSE | To create a new file. | RO | |
15 | xInThreshold | Bool | FALSE | TRUE: Act_temp is in threshold range. | RO | |
16 | wRetryCycle | WORD | 0 | Number of CPU cycles have been passed after saving failed. | RO | |
17 | xSaveFailed | BOOL | FALSE | Save (write) to file failed. | RO | |
18 | x2ndBuffer | BOOL | FALSE | Second buffer allocated. | RO | |
19 | i2ndNEntry | INT | 0 | Size of 2nd buffer in number of entries. | RO | |
20 | i2ndEntryPosLog | INT | 0 | Position of current entry in 2nd buffer: 0.. i2ndNEntry-1. | RO | |
21 | ptr2ndBuffer | POINTER TO BYTE | Pointer to begin of the 2nd buffer. | RO | ||
22 | wNumLogLost | WORD | 0 | Number of log lost for the zone | RO | |
23 | ptrLogBuffer | POINTER TO BYTE | Pointer to begin of the zone log buffer. | RO | ||
24 | ptrEntryLog | POINTER TO BYTE | Pointer to current entry to be logged in buffer. | RO | ||
25 | iEntryPosLog | INT | 0 | Position of current buffer entry: 0.. NUM_BUFFER_ENTRY-1. | RO | |
26 | iEntryPosWrite | INT | 0 | Position of buffer entry before which the data has been written into file: 0.. NUM_BUFFER_ENTRY-1. | RO | |
27 | wOldStatus | Array[1..2] OF Word | 2 (0) | Old status of the log. | RO |