Input Description

CANOM_NMT can be used to control the NMT state machine of one specific or all slaves.

Every time a FALSE->TRUE edge is applied to input EN, CANOM_NMT reads the data at its inputs and sends a corresponding request message to the Communication Module. Further FALSE->TRUE edges at input EN are ignored until the processing of the active requests is completed. The completion of the request processing is indicated by DONE = TRUE.

Normally, control of the slave operating states is performed by the automatic control of the CANOPEN Communication Module used as NMT master. However, for special applications it can be required to change the state of a specific slave ‘manually’. This functionality can be achieved using CANOM_NMT.



Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit

The input EN has to be driven in edge triggered mode.

The execution of the Function Block is started with a positive edge on the input EN.

In the first call it evaluates its inputs and creates a local copy of them. Afterwards it starts its internal algorithm. It may take several PLC task cycles until it is executed.

Once the execution is completed DONE and its other outputs are set. To start the Function Block again a new positive edge on the input EN has to be applied.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE 0 0 … 4 (6) -

At input SLOT, the Communication Module slot is specified which should be used by the Function Block.

The internal Communication Module always has the index 0. All external Communication Modules are serially numbered from right to left, starting with 1.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE - 1…127 -

The Input NODE specifies the node ID of the slave.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE - - -

At input NMT_CMD, the NMT command to be sent is specified. The following NMT commands are defined:

NMT command Constant Meaning
1 CANOM_NMT_CMD_START Start remote node (slave)
2 CANOM_NMT_CMD_STOP Stop remote node (slave)
128 CANOM_NMT_CMD_ENTER_PREOP Enter pre-operational: Set slave to pre-operational mode
129 CANOM_NMT_CMD_RESET_NODE Reset node (slave)
130 CANOM_NMT_CMD__RESET_COM Reset communication