Input Description



Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit

The input EN has to be driven in edge triggered mode.

The execution of the Function Block is started with a positive edge on the input EN.

In the first call it evaluates its inputs and creates a local copy of them. Afterwards it starts its internal algorithm. It may take several PLC task cycles until it is executed.

Once the execution is completed DONE and its other outputs are set. To start the Function Block again a new positive edge on the input EN has to be applied.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE 0 0 … 4 (6) -

At input SLOT, the Communication Module slot is specified which should be used by the Function Block.

The internal Communication Module always has the index 0. All external Communication Modules are serially numbered from right to left, starting with 1.

IP_ADR   DWORD \   (IPaddress)

At IP_ADR, the IP address of the server has to be specified to which the telegram should be sent. Each byte in IP_ADR represents one octet of the address.


IP address,

IP_ADR (hex) 16#C00F1802,

IP_ADR (dec) 3222214658

UNIT_ID   BYTE \   (unit \ ID)

At input UNIT_ID, the address of the MODBUS slave must be specified which is connected serially to the MODBUS server defined by IP_ADR. If no further slaves are connected, this input is not used.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE - - -

The function code of the request telegram is specified at input FCT.

01 or 02 Read n bits
03 or 04 Read n words
05 Write one bit (encoded in one word)
06 Write one word
07 Read 8 Bit
15 Write n bits (encoded in one byte)
16 Write n words
22 Mask write
23 Read/write multiple words in one telegram


The max. telegram length for onboard ETHERNET CPUs with function code 3/4 is 96 words.

The max. telegram length for onboard ETHERNET CPUs with function code 15 is 1536 bits.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
WORD - - -

The operand/register address in the slave from which data should be read or written is specified at input ADDR.

The access to operands of AC500 devices in MODBUS slave mode is defined via the MODBUS cross-reference list. Only operands that are listed in the cross-reference list may be used (Communication with: Communication \ with MODBUS RTU

Only operands that are listed in the MODBUS address list may be used. When accessing other devices, ADDR is freely selectable. The valid ranges have to be gathered from the corresponding device description.

If using MODBUS function codes 22 or 23, the according data structures ETH_MOD_FCT22_TYPE ETH_MOD_FCT22_TYPE or ETH_MOD_FCT23_TYPE ETH_MOD_FCT23_TYPE must be defined and applied to ADDR input.

NB   WORD \   (number)

At input NB, the number of data to be written or read is specified. The unit of NB depends on the selected function. For bit accesses the number of bits, for word and double word accesses the number of words is specified at NB. The following restrictions apply to the length:

Dec Hex Serial MODBUS on TCP/IP
01 or 02 01 or 02 2000 bits

255 bits (up to firmware version V01.33)

1800 bits (from firmware version V01.41)

1536 bits (PM573/PM583 only)

03 or 04 03 or 04 125 words / 62 double words 125 words / 62 double words
05 05 1 bit 1 bit
06 06 1 word 1 word
07 07 8 bits 8 bits
15 0F 1968 bits

255 bits (up to firmware version V01.33)

1800 bits (from firmware version V01.41)

1536 bits (PM573/PM583 only)

16 10 123 words / 61 double words 123 words / 61 double words
22 16 Write: 1 word Write: 1 word
23 17

Read: 125 words / 62 double words

Write: 123 words / 61 double words

Read: 125 words / 62 double words

Write: 123 words / 61 double words

DATA   DWORD \   (data)

At input DATA, the address of the first operand in the client, from which on the data shall be written to the server or where the data read by the server shall be stored, is specified via the ADR operator. For this purpose it is necessary that the operand type (e.g. bit) matches the selected function (e.g. FCT 1, read n bits).