Prepare the settingsΒΆ

Before start the auto tuning process, the following points should be made clear:

  • Auto tuning only for heating or for both heating and cooling.

If only heating is enabled for auto tuning, the following values should be set:

  • Control bit: ZoneData.tsProcessSet.wControlWord.1:=TRUE;(*heat enabled*)

  • ZoneData.tsProcessSet.wControlWord.2:=FALSE;(*cool disabled*),

    Or if cooling enabled with hysteresis:

    ZoneData.tsProcessSet.wControlWord.2:=TRUE;(*cool enabled*)


If both heating and cooling are enabled for auto tuning, the following values should be set:

  • Control bits: ZoneData.tsProcessSet.wControlWord.1:=TRUE;(*heat enabled*)

    ZoneData.tsProcessSet.wControlWord.2:=TRUE;(cool enabled*)

  • Cooling with hysteresis must be disabled with:


Besides that, the necessary temperature change to do AutoTune needs to be checked: ZoneData.tsMachineSet.iTune_Step:=500; (*This is a raw sensor value, for a RAW_FACTOR 10, it will be 50 degree.*) The larger the value, the better the result will be. It is recommended to have 500 as raw sensor value.