dwAcsVisuBackgroundColor and dwAcsVisuTitleColor Global Variables to Set the Background and Title Colors for the Visualization ElementsΒΆ
The background color and the color of the title in the visualization elements of the ACS Drives Libraries can be changed with the two global variables dwAcsVisuBackgroundColor and dwAcsVisuTitleColor.
Available as of PLC runtime system: | V1.3.2 |
Included in library: | ACSDrivesBase_AC500_V20.lib |
The color variables are given in hex format and represent the following colors:
variable := 16#00BBGGRR (where RR = red, GG = green, BB = blue)
The color variables can be changed to another value in any part of the users program.
dwAcsVisuBackgroundColor | dwAcsVisuTitleColor | Example | |
Example 1 | 16#00808080 | 16#0080FFFF | |
Example 2 | 16#00000000 (black) | 16#00FFFFFF (white) | |
Example 3 | 16#00000080 | 16#00008000 |
Change Color Variables in ST
Example 3:
dwAcsVisuBackgroundColo := 16#00000080;
dwAcsVisuTitleColor := 16#00008000;
Change Color Variables in FUP
Example 3: