This structure is used to supply the Function Block ETH_SMTP_EMAIL_SEND with all necessary data to send an email via the SMTP server configured in the PLC.

The addresses and textual content of the email need to be created and defined by the user. Only references (POINTER TO STRING) are used in the structure. The contents of this structure and the memory pointed to may not be changed during operation of the Function Block ETH_SMTP_EMAIL_SEND.

At least one valid TO address is required for the Function Block ETH_SMTP_EMAIL_SEND to work. Even if using CC and/or BCC at last one TO address must be defined.


Type and the content need to be created and defined by the user.

Available as of PLC runtime system: V2.1 Remark:
Included in library: Ethernet_AC500_V10.lib  
Visible variable Type Default value Description
psTOAddr POINTER TO STRING(255) 0 Pointer to a string containing TO address(es) separated by semicolon
psCCAddr POINTER TO STRING(255) 0 Pointer to a string containing CC address(es) separated by semicolon
psBCCAddr POINTER TO STRING(255) 0 Pointer to a string containing BCC address(es) separated by semicolon
apsBody ARRAY[0..19] OF POINTER TO STRING(255) 0 Up to 20 pointers containing text lines for the email body
atsFiles ARRAY[0..9] OF ETH_EMAIL_FILE_REF_TYPE 0 Up to 10 file attachments to the email via the ETH_EMAIL_FILE_REF_TYPE structure
byPrio BYTE 0 Priority 0=normal, 1=very high, 2=high, 3=normal, 4=low, 5=very low
sSubject STRING(255) ’’ The subject of the email